Out in the Mountains hearing from more gay men and lesbians in the region. If you are interested in knowing more, write to RAGLC atPO Box 455, East Middlebury, Vermont 05740. Social Alternatives for Men (SAM) Social Alternatives for Men (SAM), continues to be one of Verrnont’s most active and involved gay-oriented groups. Located in the Upper Valley area, the group hosts weekly discussions on various topics as well as organizing a number of other activities from Sunday brunches to extended road trips. One of the primary goals of SAM is to provide gay men with a non-threatening environment in which to socialize. The group also acts as a resource for local schools, churches, and community organi- zations by providing speakers on various gay-related topics and offering access to its extensive library collection. SAM also offers a valuable referral service for the area, suggesting avenues for gay men to become politically active and offering support and advice for those who are seeking professional counseling on matters pertaining to homosexuality. The group has also established affili- ations with a number of other statewide groups, including the Vermont Coalition for Lesbians and Gay Men, the New Hamp- shire Citizen’s Alliance for Gay and Les- bian Rights, the Upper Valley AIDS Com- munity Resource Network (ACORN), and Vennont C.A.R.E.S. Members also con- tinue to volunteer time with the Upper Valley AIDS Buddies Network, a group SAM helped to establish. In addition, SAM publishes a monthly newsletter featuring clips from both local and national media, resource and calendar listings for the Upper Valley area, and assorted other odds and ends. SAM is open to all men over the age of 18 regardless of race, creed, or national origin. Those interested in joining are en- couraged to call (802) 295-6723 or write to the group at PO Box 479, Norwich VT 05055. Vermont Gay Social Alternatives (VGSA) Vermont Gay Social Alternatives (VGSA) is a fairly new organization for Vermont. One year old, VGSA currently has an individual membership of approxi- mately 200 statewide. It is a group open to everyone, gay, lesbian, young, old, couples, and singles. It is totally a social organiza- tion, aimed at giving you the opportunity to meet new people, through a varied assort- ment of social gatherings. These gatherings not only provide a way to socialize, butalso personal growth through shared experi- ences, concerns, goals and the bonding together of our community. Gatherings are alcohol and chemical free and occur on a weekly basis at different times to allow all members to participate. Membership is $12.00 per year, payable to VGSA. For more information write PO Box 277, Winooski, VT 05404 or call Real Masson at (802) 893-6935 in the evenings. Women of the Woods (WOW) Women of the Woods (WOW) is a lesbian social club created to make avail- able a supportive network of friends for lesbians. We have potlucks, poker games, fishing tournaments, video nights, game nights, and other events - all for fun. We realize that we all need safe environments to have fun, and having fun is important to being healthy. Our events are held at differ- ent lesbians’ homes in central Vermont, with one contact person to protect our members who need to remain closeted until our civil rights legislation passes. Children under two years are welcome at all events; children over two are wel- come at selected events. Our first newslet- ter is free; we ask for a $5.00 donation for the rest of the year. For more information, please contact Claire Donaldson, RFD #1 Box 5260, Worcester, VT 05682, or call (802) 229-0109. Amelia Earhart PO Box 746, Lebanon, NH 03766 Brattleboro Area Lesbian Center 71 Elliot St., Brattleboro, VT 05301 CRONES-for Women Over 40 PO Box 242, Winooski, VT 05404 Special Interest Groups Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Veterans in Vermont Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Veterans in Vennont (GLBVV), dormant for many months, is currently being resuscitated. Renewed efforts on the Vennont Civil Rights bill, and recent developments re- garding G/L/B people in the Armed Forces with the onset of the war, provide new impetus for the group. While GLBVV has envisioned itself as a part-social, part-activist organization, it will continue evolving as the members’ wishes direct. Open to any who have served in uniform (nature of discharge and length of service are irrelevant; ROTC welcome also), the group is evolving into a statewide chapter of Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Vet- erans of America, headed nationally by Miriam Ben Shalom. Combined womens’ and mens’ outreach are moving slowly and would be furthered by your effort to contact us at our new address: GLBVV, PO Box 1424, Montpelier, VT 05602 or by calling (802) 223-5580. National Association of Social Workers; Lesbian and Gay Issues Committee This group is open toany social worker with energy to get together and deal with gay and lesbian issues around therapy. This group also makes referrals to gay and les- bian therapists as well as doing some legis- lative lobbying. The committee does not have a regular meeting at the current time. The committee may be reached by contact- ing Jim Morgan at PO Box 147, Wood- stock, VT 05901. Out in the Mountains Out in the Mountains (OITM) serves as a voice for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and their supporters in Vermont. It is Verrnont’s only statewide paper for lesbi- ans, gay men and bisexuals. The newspaper is a source of information, support and affirmation. It also serves as a celebration of the goodness and diversity of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual communities. OITM is a monthly paper, written, edited and published by volunteers. We are always looking for new volunteers to help with all aspects of the paper, from labeling R6