1 March 1991 Special Resources Section 8 Lesbian and Gay Parents Group This newly organized social group is for lesbian and gay parents and their chil- dren. Meeting monthly for Sunday brunch with children, it was formed to give both parents and kids a chance to meet and socialize with other families like their own. We currently have children ranging in age from a few months to 12 years, and wel- come new members. Ideas for kid-oriented social events are welcome; future activities may include picnics, trips to the beach, hikes, etc. Check the calendar section of Out in the Mountains or call (802) 660-2713 for more info. Lesbians United Never Apart (LUNA) LUNA is a social and support group for lesbians in the Northeast Queendom. Meetings are held in private homes in the area the thrid Firday of every month. Con- tact the Umbrella Women’s Center at 1 Prospect Ave., St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 (802) 748-8645 for place and time of met- rngs. Lesbian Task Force The Lesbian Task Force is affiliated with Umbrella Women’s Center in St. Johnsbury. The group plans social and cultural events for the lesbian community in the Northeast Queendom. Membership is open to any lesbian wanting to work on a project or one that has a project she wants help with. Currently the group is working on grant writing to obtain funds to hire a part time coordinator at Umbrella. Regular meetings are scheduled for the 1stWednes- day of the month at Umbrella. Contact the Lebian Task Force through Umbrella at 1 Prospect Ave., St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 (802) 748-8645. Mansfield Bucks The Mansfield Bucks is a leather fra- ternity of gay men who share a common interest in traditionally fringe sexual prac- tices, such as sadomachism, fisting, and water sports, who want to be a force in the community for the acceptance of people. who partake in these practices, and who want to be a resource to enable others to learn how such activities can be enjoyed safely and sanely. Theykeepintouch with the local leather community by exchanging mailings with other leather clubs and by going on trips to leather events across New England. They have also held some special interest gather- ings, like the times they have brought a professional piercer in to do tit and genital piercings. On the less serious side, they hold monthly club nights on the second Sunday of every month at Pearls Bar in Burlington. At these club nights, they raffle off videos and toys, serve a buffet, and have leather goods for sale. The proceeds from the door go to benefit gay-related causes. In the past they have given to Vermont C.A.R.E.S., the Coalition, Outright Vermont, and Out in the Mountains. The club nights are a great way to meet people of a like mind in a relaxed atmos- phere. Upcoming ones to keep in mind are: March 9 at Colors in Brattleboro, to be followed on March 10 by the regular club night at Pearls in Burlington. On April 14, The Bucks will be having their second annual Western night at Pearls, including some cowboys up from Boston who will be teaching dance steps in the early evening. The Mansfield Bucks can be contacted by writingPO Box 5688,Burlington, VT05402 or by calling (802) 372-4578. Monadnock Area Womyn (MAW) Monadnock Area Womyn (MAW) is a lesbian social/service support organization dedicated to promoting the “wellness” of our lives, civil rights, and social change through public education. MAW meets on the 2nd and4th Friday nights of each month. Meetings are infor- mal and always alcohol and drug free. Activities have included; guest speakers, videos, pot lucks, annual; swimming pool party, Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas party, and an annual lesbian conference. State and local volunteer participation has included; New Hampshire Citizens Alliance for Gay and Lesbian Rights, Women-in-Touch, New Hampshire Les- bian and Gay Pride Day, two locally spon- sored AIDS Conferences, the Monadnock AIDS Project, World AIDS Day, and Mobilization Against AIDS. The Calendar/newsletter, “MAW Prints” is mailed monthly. Ifyou would like to join and receive MAW Prints, contact MAW, PO Box 6345, Keene, NH 03431 or call (603) 357-5544. Monadnock Gay Men (MGM) MGM celebrated its 8th birthday in January, This has been an ongoing social group meeting on a weekly basis in private homes throughout the Monadnock Region in southwestern New Hampshire, and the Brattleboro, VT area. Gatherings are usu- ally on Saturday evenings. Events include everything from the mandatory pot-lucks to all day winter outings and summer gar- den parties. A monthly newsletter is avail- able for a donation and there are currently just over 200 on the confidential mailing list. Information is available by writing MGM,POBox l124,Keene,NH 03431,or by calling Ken at (603) 357-5544. Rutland Area Gay/Lesbian Connection Following the demise of a number of Rutland’s gay and lesbian groups, a new outlet for the central Vermont community has been established. The Rutland Area Gay/Lesbian Connection had its initial meeting at the end of last year, and looks forward to sponsoring a number of gay and lesbian events in the year ahead. Organizers of the new Connection point out that the group is not intended to be a dating service, but rather “a group of gays and lesbians from the greater Rutland communities who come together once a month for mutual support, to plan activi- ties, have workshops and rap sessions, and share Verrnont’s organizational resources. We would like to encourage those within our surrounding communities to join us in the many activities we’ll be planning and lend your voice to us with concerns and interests.” The founders of the group felt it was important to establish a connection in the area, “especially in time of isolation, fear, and violence against us." Though the group’s original intent is non-political, facilitators agreed that they would move in that direction if members desired. Following an initial publicity cam- paign, group organizers distributed a wel- come letter and questionnaire to potential members. A meeting in Rutland on the 18th of January was held to chart the course of the new group. Listed activities included gameand video nights,barbecues andbeach parties, and field trips to places like Mon- treal and Provincetown. The group has already attracted mem- bers from a diverse range of towns in the central Vermont area and looks forward to R5 —