Out in the Mountains Religious Organizations Christ Church Presbyterian Christ Church Presbyterian, located on the Redstone campus of the University of Vermont in Burlington, welcomes per- sons of all sexual orientations into the life, membership, and leadership of its congre- gation on an equal basis, extending all the privileges and responsibilities of any other member. In Presbyterian nomenclature, our congregation has voted to be designated officially as a “More Light” church. The church’s More Light task force has begun meeting regularly and plans to meet on a monthly basis to address concerns in our church. Any lesbian or gay person seeking a church as a safe place to worship is invited to 9:30amSunday worship atChristChurch Presbyterian. The More Light task force is also open and more information about fu- ture meeting dates may be obtained by contacting ministers Becky Stader or Mike Brown at Christ Church Presbyterian, Redstone Campus, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05401 or (802) 862-1898. Northern Lights Metropolitan Community Church Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) is a Christian church and is part of a growing international fellowship of churches, noted primarily for a special identification with the lesbian and gay community, and with others not served by traditionalchurches.NorthemLights meets every other Sunday at 4 pm at the Unitarian Church in Montpelier, VT on the comer of Main and School Streets. It offers a com- munity for worship, celebration, prayer, support and study. For more information call (802)434-5264 in Vermont or (603) 298-5451 in New Hampshire. Integrity - Lesbians Episcopalians PO Box 126, Burlington, VT 05402 (802) and Gay 864-7198 United Church Coalition for Lesbian & Gay Concerns PO Box 431, Peru, VT 05152 (802) 872- 6537 \ Social Organizations Iris Iris is a new lesbian resource group in central Vermont. We meet from 6-8:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month in Montpelier. After a slow start last summer, Iris has had an influx of enthusiastic wimmin and has turned out to be Women Centered’s fastest growing group. Popular events to date have included discussions on coming out and Vermont resources for lesbians, a lesbian book night, and a Halloween pot- luck. The average attendance is six wim- min, which makes fora comfortable atmos- phere in which to share. In addition to the Wednesday night meetings, many Iris wimmin get together to attend social events, work on their cars, share phone support, go to the movies - you name it! Upcoming events are listed in the Calendar section, and new ideas are always welcome. If you’re looking for a friendly group of lesbians with whom to share resources and network, call Woman Centered at 229- 6202 today and ask about Iris, or write Iris, 137 Barre Street, Montpelier, VT 05602. Kwanzaa Kwanzaa, Inc. is a collective of women based in Burlington, VT who promote and affirm the value of intercultural sharing and awareness. We do this thru workshops/ presentations and visual/performing arts. Kwanzaa, Inc. has been sharing its pro- grams with public and private schools, colleges and community groups since 1981. We draw upon the experience of local black, native american, third world, jewish and white resource persons and sponsor na- tional figures as well. Among the programs from which to choose are: workshops, drumming Ppresentations, theatre, art ex- hibits, poetry reading, and lectures. Kwanzaa attempts to raise social and political consciousness and ease the ten- sions of racism, sexism, prejudice, clas- sism, homophobia, ethnocentrism, etc. by inducing an admiration and respect for the arts, crafts, music and her/history of other people and cultures. Kwanzaa, Inc. is a non-profit organi- zation. Honoria to cover our expenses are negotiable and in-kind contributions are considered. All donations are tax-deduct- ible. Kwanzaa, Inc. may be reached through PO Box 583, Burlington, VT 05402. (802) 860-6360 LYNN COYETTE, M.S.Ed., M.A.C.P. Psychorhelmpisr 2 CHURCH ST., RICHARDSON PLACE, BURLINGTON, VT 05401 R4