The information that H.E.A.L. Ver- mont provides in not meant to exclude medical treatment, but rather, to offer a full range of options. H.E.A.L. Vermont can be contacted at PO Box 795, Montpelier, VT 05601 or by calling (802) 229-4325. North Star-Health Care for the Whole Person North Star offers the following serv- ices: nutritional and psychological coun- seling,acupuncture, herbal medicine, stress management, and natural foods cooking classes. Our training and therapies are in the tradition of Oriental Medicine and macrobiotic healing. We seek to support and empower the client with tools for creat- ing a healthier life. We are sensitive to and respectful of sexual identity issues and welcome gays and lesbians in our health care practice. North Star can be reached at RR2, Box 3255, Morrisville, VT 05661 or by calling (802) 888-2858. The Vermont AIDS Council There are eight AIDS service organi- zations in Vermont that provide services to people with AIDS and HIV infection, and to their families, friends, and communities. The Vermont AIDS Council is a statewide coalition of these AIDS service organiza- tions. It was created in 1989 to support and enhance the work of its member organiza- tions. The Vermont AIDS Council pro- vides a forum for collaboration among the member organizations, and serves as an umbrella for them by providing a network of information and resources. The Council also works to address the systemwide problems involved in deliver- ing AIDS education and services in Ver- mont. Among the Council’s priorities is the development of a state plan to ensure deliv- ery of the best education, information and services to Vermonters affected by AIDS. The Council’s members are the AIDS Community Action Project (St. Johnsbury), AIDS Community Resource Network (Upper Valley). Bennington Area AIDS Project, Brattleboro AIDS Project, Fran- klin/Grand Isle AIDS Task Force, HEAL Verrnont(Montpe1ier),NortheastKingdom AIDS Coalition (Newport), and Vermont CARES (Chittenden County area). For more information about the Ver- mont AIDS Council, write to PO Box 275, Montpelier VT 06501, or call 229-2557. ‘-'<,“\*-\‘ -.. * “ °°\' w \zu»§.' \‘ x‘:-._ xx \ -§, .\\ \ §\ 3. \ \ Vermont Committee for AIDS Resources, Education, and Services (Vermont C.A.R.E.S.) Vermont C.A.R.E.S. is a non-profit community based AIDS service organiza- tion located in Burlington, Vermont. The following list briefly describes the services offered by Vermont C.A.R.E.S. and the geographic area in which services are offered: Information and referral for AIDS specific services offered throughout Vermont. Information and referral for as- sistance with daily living services in Chit- tenden, Washington, Lamoille, Grand Isle, Franklin, Addison, and Rutland counties. Risk reduction education for men and women at high risk for HIV infection through the Safe, Sexy, and Sane program in Chittenden, Washington, Rutland, and Addison counties. Volunteer program pro- viding social and emotional supporttoHIV+ persons and their significant others through telephone support, hospital visits, and long- term emotional support. Case management services for adults and children in Orleans, Lamoille, Franklin, Grand Isle, Chitten- den, Washington, Addison, and Rutland counties. Support groups for persons living with HIV, significant others and profes- sionals in Chittenden, Washington, and Rutland counties. Lending library of books, newsletters, periodicals, videos, and cas- sette tapes regarding HIV spectrum infec- tion available by mail throughout Vermont. Professional and community education regarding HIV spectrum infection, psycho- social issues, and educational programs tailored to specific subject areas in Chitten- den, Washington, Rutland, and Addison counties. Vermont C.A.R.E.S may be contacted at PO Box 5248, Burlington, VT 05401 or by calling either (802) 863-2437 or 1-800- 649-2437. Vermont Women’s Health Center The Vermont Women’s Health Center offers a wide range of gynecological care to women of all ages. All services are pro- vided in a supportive and comfortable environment. We are committed to provid- ing information about health care so that our clients are able to make informed deci- sions about their care. We offer the follow- ing confidential and professional services: Routine gynecological exam, cholesterol screening, and mammography referrals. Menopausal services, information, screen- ing, and management. Teen gynecological services and information. Contraceptive services. Walk-in pregnancy testing. Pre- natal care. Abortion services. Screening and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Problem gynecological diagnosis and treatment. Colposcopy and cryosur- gery treatment of abnormal pap smears. Preoperative work ups. The Vermont Women’s Health Center can be reached at 336 North Ave., Burling- ton, VT 05401 or by calling (802) 864- 1386. Franklin-Grand Isle AIDS Task Force 8 Ferris St., St. Albans, VT 05478 (802) 524-6554 Northeast Kingdom AIDS Coalition PO Box 40, Newport, VT 05855 (802)334- 2437 Vermont Department of Health 1-800-882-AIDS (2437) Political/Legal Organizations American Civil Liberties Union The mission of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is to work through the legal and legislative systems to guaran- tee civil rights and the protection of the Bill of Rights to all. Individuals who feel their rights have been violated can call the ACLU in Montpelier. An intake worker will take the complaint over the phone and will mail out a complaint form. Complaint forms are reviewed by the Executive Director. If she thinks a complaint has merit, she will dis- cuss it with the Board of Directors. Once the Board approves a case, the ACLU will look for a cooperating attorney, and the case proceeds through the legal system. Cooperating attorneys are volunteers, and there is no charge for their services. Working either alone or a part of a coalition, the ACLU also lobbies for legis- lation advancing civil rights and Bill of Rights protections and against legislation limiting them. The ACLU may be contacted at PO Box 810, 100 State Street, Montpelier, VT 05602 or by calling (802) 223-6304. R2 _ _ . _.A..._._._..... -.__......i..,.... .