March 1991 Burlington Company Recognizes Domestic Partners By Cheri Goldstein Gardener’s Supply, a Burlington company, has expanded its company bene- fits package to include domestic partner- ships. Gardener's Supply has defined a do- mestic partner as the gay, lesbian, or straight partner of an employee who has been residing with that employee for at least ninety days. The company will help pay for the coverage of any partner not currently covered by an employer else- where. The downside to this is that the partner needs to find a health insurer for himself or herself. After putting the policy out for bids, Gardener's Supply was unable to find an insurer who was able to make insuring a domestic partner financially feasible. All the same, the company agreed to pay a portion of the health insurance pre- mium for the partner. This $70.50 per month is the same amount paid for a spouse on the regular policy. The partner needs to obtain his or her own individual policy and show proof of insurance and proof of pre- mium payment for Gardener's Supply to P3)’- A $50 dental and optical benefit has also been extended to domestic partners of employees. This benefit had been extended to spouses of employees in the past. Bereavement leave has also been ex- panded to include the employee's partner as a family member, regardless of whether they are living together. The inclusion of domestic partner- ships was prompted when Margaret War- ing became fed up with her inability to get insurance coverage for her partner. She asked Douglas Graver, another employee, to join her in asking the management to broaden the benefits. “We talked about these needs in a very honest and open way with the management. We felt that the benefit structure was unfair in not recognizing our partners,” said Graver. “We were going in expecting that there could be a fight. It was almost anticli- mactic how reasonable they (the manage- ment) were.” Other employees were not very sur- prised by the decision. “This company has been so good about human rights and treat- ing its employees fairly. Being fair is real important here,” said one pleased em- ployee. Pam Gardner of the Gardener's Supply personnel department explained that the company hopes “to continue to create a well-rounded benefits package. We strive to have benefits that will address the needs of the population that works for us, and that population includes lesbians, gay men, and straight unmarried partners.” Gardner further stated, “We have tried to create a work environment here where we can encourage quality people to be our employees.” Gardener's Supply employs 153 people in Vermont. The company has been in operation since 1982. f $1.00 7.-oo p.m. ‘Ifie Tasswn of £Pear[s... Marcfl 8 ‘Women’: fluffet and'£Dance $5.00 5-9 pm. Marcfi 10 Mansfikfzfflucfis ‘Z211 Dance $3.00 5-9 pm. Marcfi 16 Ladies Lounge Dance 0. fiurlington, ‘Vermont NW Tearls 135 Pearl Street 11