Dear Editor: I can’t sit still. I am so enraged by the letter from M. Carey in Essex Junction that you printed in the February 1991 issue of OITM. Apparently Carey thinks that people living with AIDS are supposed to go qui- etly to their graves without raising aracket. We’re supposed to do this because 500,000 cancer patients are also going quietly to their graves. AIDS activists and cancer patients are NOT at war with each other. We both want improved medical care for everyone in the U.S.A. Carey is ashamed of his/her “gay brothers and sisters” who participated in a die-in in Burlington. Let me say right now, Carey is no sibling of mine. If he/she gets upset by a little vulgar language, she/he should try to get a major pharmaceutical company to release an AIDS drug or a government agency to release funding for AIDS education and research. He/she should watch friends die of AIDS for a while. Is Carey the same kind of yuppie scum who would have been ashamed of the trans- vestites and hustlers who protested at Stonewall in ‘69? Carey is happy to blame the victim for his/her disease. So much hatred for gay men and lesbians and IV drug users! Where did Carey get all this internalized homo- phobia? This person needs help! Does Carey blame women who get breast cancer for their disease? Does Carey think that he/ she will never be ill if he/she leads a clean, STRAIGHT life of pure safe sex? Eventu- ally some disease will triumph and death will win - even against Carey. I am ashamed of Carey and of OITM. If you continue to publish such horseshit, I will not allow your paper in my home. I don’t need the grief. Silence equals death. Action equals life. Signed, . Charles Bedard Marlboro, Vermont _ P.S. Ididn’t notice any safe sex guide- lines in 01 TM. How aboutdoing something about that besides printing nasty letters? No Sibling of Mine" The Editor responds: First of all, M. Carey writes on his/her own behalf and does not necessarily repre- sent the views of OITM. This disclaimer is clearly printed in each issue of the paper. While I also found myself personally at odds with much of what Carey said in his/ her letter, I also believe in a free press, par- ticularly in our own community. Rather than respond to the letter at the time of its printing, I left it to you, our readers, to respond with your own opinions and feel- ings, which we also print here uncensored. I do take issue with the postscriptof the above letter, however, since OITM has been printing safe sex articles on a monthly basis for some time now. If you didn’tnotice them, they were in the “Health" section of the February issue, pages 7-9. Help Out the ACLU Dear Editor: I regularly read OITM; in fact, I for- ward it to a friend in Maine, and I approve of your cause and your standards of altema- tive journalism. _ As a member of the board of the American Civil Liberties Union of Ver- mont, I appreciate your acknowledgement of Vermont ACLU’s role in promoting antidiscrimination legislation. May I add an item to your list of “What you can do to help get a gay rights bill passed?” Join, support, and work for the ACLU of Vermont! Sincerely, Valerie White Hyde Park, Vermont Dykes Worth the Price Dear Friends: I was thrilled that OITM managed to interview Bill T. Jones before his Flynn appearance. It’s great to see you scooping the Free Press. Come to think of it, your comics are better, too — "Dykes to Watch Out For" is worth the price of the subscrip- tion alone. 0ITM’s revival over the past year has been wonderful to watch. Thanks for all your hard work. Carrie Coy Burlington, Vermont March 1991 SHIATSU In the Comfort of your Home. .10 Edmondson Ohazhiatzu Procttfiorrer Snag; Balancirg Carnmcin Pa,-5mncy'PmHern.5 stress lkluotion Well-5:118 tnharrzment Pain Management 482-4166