February 1991 1-2 Candice B. Love and the Sweets will be appearing at Colors in Brattleboro for two shows only, both starting at 10:00 p.m. “Lots of surprises, special guests. Ooh girls - DRAG yourselves out for her greatest extravaganza yet!” For more infomiation, call Colors at (802) 254-8646. 1-3 Ice Climbing in Huntington Ravine NH with the Chiltem Mountain Club. “We climb, we camp, we cook, we drink Irish whiskey.” For more details, call Mark at (617) 288-6419. 2-3 Groundhog’s Weekend in Vermont with the Chiltem Mountain Club. Celebrate winter with downhill skiing and winter camping. Limited interior accommoda- tions as well. For more information, call Bob at (617) 266-3812 or (802) 333-9448. 8-10 Cross-Country Skiing in the White Mountains with the Chiltem Mountain Club. Call John for more details at (617) 648-9185. 10 Hayride/Sleighride in Hinesburg to bene- fit Vemiont C.A.R.E.S. Rides scheduled by appointment from 10 am. to 5 p.m., $5 for adults and $3 for children. To make res- ervations call 482-2498 or 482-2434 and ask for Harry or Brian. 11 Brian McNaught will be speaking on “Growing Up Gay" at Plymouth State Col- lege, Hyde Hall, Room 220, Plymouth NH at 7:30 p.m. 13 ASH WEDNESDAY 14 VALENTINE’S DAY 15 “Lesbian Sexuality: An,Evening Discus- Si_0n” with Brattleboro Area Dykes in the Plne room at Solar Hill, 6-9:00 p.m. Women only, donation requested. For more information, call 387-5507. 16 Casselberry-DuPreé will perform at a Valentine's Day concert/dance at Contois Auditorium in Burlington, 8:00 p.m. Tick- ets are $15 at the door or in advance atPeaee and Justice Center and Pure Pop in Burling- ton, or Buch Spieler in Montpelier. See article in this issue for more details. Lucie Blue Tremblay will be performing at the Sanders Theater in Cambridge, Mas- sachusetts at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $16.50. For more information, call (617) 661-1252. “Lavender Hearts: Stories of Lesbian Romance and Erotica” with Jennifer Jus- tice and an erotic slideshow by Susan Wilson, at the First Congregational Church in Harvard Square, Cambridge MA. 6 and 8 p.m.; dance at 10 p.m. $10 advance, $12 at door, call Glad Day Books at (617) 267- 3010 for more information. 16-18 President’s Day Weekend in Vermont with the Chiltem Mountain Club. Snow- shoeing, ice skating, cross-coimtry skiing. Limited interior accommodations, unlim- ited camping. Call Bob at (617) 266-3812 or (802) 333-9448. 18 WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY 23 SAM’s Second Mardi-Gras at the Shera- ton. Tickets available for $6.00 in advance; $9.00 at the door. Gays and lesbians wel- come. For tickets and more info, write to SAM at: Box 479, Norwich VT 05055. 23-24 Backpacking Trip at Mt. Osceola with the Chiltem Mountain Club. Snowshoe or ski up the Mt. Osceola Trail from Water- ville Valley. For more information, call John at (617)484-7192. 24 OITM 5th ANNIVERSARY PARTY featuring Virginia and the Wolves from 4- 9:00 p.m. at Pearls on Pearl Street in Burl- ington. Everyone is welcome. Cost is $5- $10 sliding scale at door. Come help us celebrate this landmark occasion! MARCH 2 “Sharing Our Hearts” with Brattleboro Area Dykes. Bring your own stories, poems, and other writings to share. At the pine rooiri at Solar Hill, 7:00 p.m., donation requested. For more information, call 387- 5507. OITM International Men’s and Women’s Envelope Stuffing Competi- tion. Activities begin at 10:00 a.m. at our office at 30 Elmwood Avenue in Burling- ton. Lunch follows, then at 1:00 we return for a General Business Meeting. New vol- unteers are especially welcome. For more information, call Hugh at (802) 388-6503. ONGOING SW Chapter of PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) meets the first Sunday of every month at 2:00 p.m. in the Manchester Congregational Church (across from Equinox House). Brattleboro AIDS Project Support Groups: I-IIV+ Biweekly group. Call Mi- chael at 254-8263 or 254-4444. Metropolitan Community Church, Sundays. For place and time, call (802) 434-5264 (VT) or (603) 298-5451 (NH). Family and Partners Biweekly Group. Call Marty at 254-8774. Support Group for HIV+ and People withAIDS,2ndand4tliMondaysat7:30in St. Johnsbury. Call 1-800-622-4122 or 748-3391. Gay and Lesbian Double Anonymity group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets Fridays from 5:30 - 6:30 at the Methodist Church in Rutland, 71 Williams Street. Northeast Kingdom AIDS Support Groups in Hardwick and Newport. Call the Northeast AIDS Coalition at (802) 472- 6291. ' Iris is a central Vennont Lesbian support group which meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 6-8:00 p.m. in Montpe- lier. For more information, call 229-6202. 19 1 V 1