(CLASSIFIED INFORMATION) 0ITM's Classified Section features items for sale, housing opportunities, services offered and the like. Individuals may place ads at a rate of 50¢ per word with a $5.00 minimum; for businesses, the charge will be 75¢ per word with a $10.00 minimum. Subscribers to OIT M may place free adver- tisements in any category up to six times per year. OIT M advises that you place or respond to ads at your own risk; we cannot screen ads for legitimacy nor assume re- sponsibility. To be considered for publica- tion, ads mustbe received by the 10th of the month. Mail toPOBox 177, Burlington VT 05402. Payment must accompany your ad copy, and we must have your full name, address, and phone number (these will be kept confidential). To respond to Networking ads, send in $1.00 with your replies to help us cover the costs of postage and handling. All replies will be forwarded to the advertiser in a sealed envelope on a weekly basis. ANNOUNCEMENTS HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO GLEAM OF MIDDLEBURY! MANSFIELD BUCKS - THANK YOU for the fundraising Tea Dance at Pearls! HELP WANTED PART-TIME POSITION: Gay/bisexual male educator sought by Vermont C.A.R.E.S. for our “Safe, Sexy, and Sane” program. Applicant must be outgoing and able to discuss sexual activities explicitly; be able to work with men from a variety of lifestyles and ages; have knowledge con- cerning safer sex/HIV transmission/and alcohol and drug recovery. 24 hrs/wk. at $9.00/hr. Transportation required. Closing date 2/15/91. Send resume and three refer- ences to: Vermont C.A.R.E.S., PO Box 5248, Burlington VT 05402. HOUSING WANTED PERSONABLE 29-YEAR-OLD MAN with developmental difficulties needs a home, community supervision, and sup- port for individual living skills in the cen- tral Vennont area. Excellent support and stipend provided. Contact Anne More- house or Lee Crider at 479-2502. NETWORKING Anyone interested in spending Jewish holidays in the company of other lesbians and gay men should contact Larry (563- 2938) or Cheri (229-0109). We would like to plan a seder for Passover. Plans for other holidays will also be made soon. LESBIAN PARENTS of 2-year-old child interested in meeting other lesbian/gay parents of young children for Sunday brunches or other social gatherings that include children. Please call 425-4087; if no answer, leave a message. ROOMMATES WANTED Looking for a NON-SMOKING LES- BIAN to share two-bedroom household in Burlington starting at the end of March. $300.00 + 1/2 utilities inc. off-street park- ing, washer/dryer. Call 860-1960. Desperately seeking non-smoking, re- sponsible, and quiet (but not dead!) male roommate for a small 2-brdm. apt. in Burl- ington’s Old North End. Must like dogs. $250/mo. + 1/2 utilities. Call 863-9092. TRAVEL OUR GAY COUNTRY INN with 19 charming rooms, 100 scenic acres, pool, hot tub, hiking/skiing trails, yummy break- fasts, peace & privacy is your perfect vaca- tion choice year round! Highlands Inn, Box 118VT, Bethlehem NH 03574, (603) 869- 3978. Grace and Judy, Innkeepers. V VALENTINE'S GREETINGS V Patti, my love: Two Minds — Two Bodies One Heart — One Soul All my love always, Linda Out in the Mountains V VALENTINE'S GREETINGS V I do love Heather and Julie, And I love them extremely truely. Will they be my friends? Many kisses I do send! To my lifetime Valentine: I love having my best friend and lover for my wife. Happy 6th Valentines Day! I love you forever! From:Your one and only Valentine! Vicky - In your eyes, I have found my destiny. The sun may lead us as we're winding down the road. Happy SIXTH Valentine’s Day! I love you! - Jane Marie, You are the stars, the moon, and the light of my life. I love you. - Kathy Bestie Butt- Be My Valentine for the 13th Time. Yours forever, Matzah Happy Anniversary, Travis! It’s nine months on Valentine’s Day! You have brought so much to my life, I love you so - now and forever. Love, Rick Mandy, You treat my eyes with beauty, my heart thumps with delight, you fill my body with sunshine, I love you and that’s alright. -Your Lovebird Petunia - 21 months and 2 days later, it’s still too early to say just how ridiculous one flower can make on spice. So let’s keep experi-‘ menting! Safe, Sexy, and §ANE! Do you wont to host a party in your home? Call 863-2437 in Chiftenden County or 1-800-649-2437 for Washington, Addison, and Rufland counties. Sponsored by Vermont C.A.R.E.S. 18