Out in the Mountains Are your car insurance rates driving you up the wall? Compare Allstate rates. Ellen Hetherington 863-3808 /Illstatet Allstate insurance Company, Northbrook, IL asselberry-DuPreé to Perform On Saturday night, February 16, cele- brated vocalists Judith Casselberry and J acqué DuPreé will deliver what promises to be a high-energy powerhous<-rdance performance at Contois Auditorium in Burlington’s City Hall. With their musical styles ranging from reggae to jazz to soul to folk, Casselberry- DuPreé has incited sellout crowds across the country to move to the music and cele- brate the spirit That spirit is evident in the physical and emotional breadth of both women’s voices. The duo will be joined on stage by percussionist Annette A. Aguilar and bass player Nerida Rojas. Ariel Hall will also be on hand to interpret for the deaf. Casselberry and DuPreé first met while both were still in high school in Brooklyn, New York. From the start, music was the motivating factor in their relation- ship as the two sat side by side on the school steps and brought their voices together in harmony. They have remained partners for two decades since and continue to gain prominence in the musical world. The duo gained wide recognition in 1986 with the release of their album “City Down,” which features Bob Marley's “Positive Vibration,” Dory Previn’s “Did Jesus Have a Baby Sister?” and a cover of theEagles’ song “Take ittotheLimit.” The album received impressive critical atten- tion in the music press as well and garnered more than a few awards as “Best Reggae Album of the Year” in various newspapers and magazines. Casselberry-DuPreé will appear thanks to the efforts of BADGIRLS Pro- ductions, the Burlington Women’s Coun- cil, Queen’s Run Concerts, and the Ver- mont Bread Company. Tickets are $15 and available at the door or in advance from the Peace and Justice Center and Pure Pop Records in Burlington, and Buch Spieler in Montpelier. Contois Auditorium is wheel- chair accessible. A Call for Lesbian Voices The following calls for articles, tapes, and creative writing have recently come to the attention of OITM, and we pass them along to you: BROOMSTICK, the national quar- terly for, by, and about women over forty, announces their second writing contest. All women over forty are invited to participate. Prizes are $25 for first, $15 for second, and $10 for third; a free subscription to the quarterly is awarded to all prize-winners. Winning entries will be published in Broomstick. All submissions should be postmarked by March 30, 1991. For more information and entry forms, send a SASE to: Broomstick, Box 251 RD#1, Uniondale PA 18470. RISING TIDE PRESS, a new lesbian publisher, is soliciting manuscripts for full- length lesbian novels. Non-fiction manu- scripts are also welcome if they are un- usual. Manuscripts are read and evaluated free of charge, and free guidelines are avail- able. Send SASE to: Rising Tide Press, 5 Kivy Street, Huntington Station NY 11746 or call (516) 427-1289. HAG RAG Intergalactic Lesbian Feminist Newspaper is looking for articles on a variety of subjects such as lesbian organizers, environmental issues, wim- min’s/womyn’s space, etc. For more infor- mation, write to: PO Box 1171, Madison WI 53701. The 7TH ANNUAL INTERNA- TIONAL WOMEN’S DAY VIDEO FESTIVAL invites women world-wide to submit videotapes that explore the theme “Women and Change.” All tapes, from novice to professional level, are welcome. This will result in a five-hour live cablecast in the Boston area which will be distributed to public access stations nationwide. For more information, write to: International Women’s Day Video Festival, PO Box 176, Boston MA 02130 or call Abigail at Somerville Community Access, (617) 628- 8826. And don’t forget that your very own OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS is always on the lookout for good articles on lesbian- related topics and issues. Send what you have along to OITM, Box 177, Burlington VT 05402 and help us keep the voice of Verrnont’s community loud and strong! 16