The Civil Rights Bill will be intro- duced into the legislature once again this biennium. The Vermont Coalition of Les- bians and Gay Men will be holding Steer- ing Committee meetings to help chart the course of this bill. Information on other bills of interest will also be passed on at these meetings. The Steering Committee meetings will be held on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at the A.C.L.U. office on State Street in Montpelier. It is vitally important that our commu- nity be aware of what is happening in the House and Senate chambers. Even publish- ing monthly, Out in the Mountains cannot keepusasuptodateaswewillneedtobe. Anyone unable to to get to a Steering Committee meeting should call one of our liaisons on Wednesday evenings to be brought up to date on the progress. (Phone numbers for the liaisons, Holly Perdue and Keith Goslant, are listed on the Resources Page.) While the Civil Rights bill will be our top priority this session, we also need to Have a Howlin‘ Good Time as OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS celebrates its FIFTH ANNIVERSARY with VIRGINIA AND THE WOLVES F E B H U H R Y Civil Rights Bill Update watch for other bills of interest. You should begin now to maintain ongoing communi- cations with your senators and representa- tives. A phone call or letter to them on any issue that is important to you is a start. Then calling or writing for their support on the Civil Rights Bill won’t be so difficult later. Some Helpful Lobbying Points Below are some facts that you can use in discussing the anti-discrimination bill with your local Senator or Representative: U‘ Discrimination is a problem in Vennont The issue is not whether one's sexual orientation is “right," but whether discrimination is tolerable! No person should be denied a job, a home, an educa- tion, or the use of a public place because of his or her sexual orientation. It This bill does nothing to “pro- mote" homosexuality or bisexuality. People can support this bill and retain their personal views or beliefs about homosexu- ality or bisexuality. This is a civil rights anti-discrimination bill. It Over 90% of all sexual offenses involving children are committed by adult zFebruary1991 heterosexual men. There are laws and regu- lations that cover misconduct by all per- sons, whatever their sexual orientation, including criminal laws against child mo- lestation. This bill would not change any such law or existing age of consent statute. '9 Supporting this bill is not a politi- cal liability. No legislator who has sup- ported civil rights for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people has ever been defeated on this ground alone. It Vermont has a long tradition of protecting equality for all of its citizens. The state constitutionally prohibited slav- ery before any other state. Our advocacy for civil rights is no different from the struggle against bigotry and ignorance that African Americans have fought in the South. If Bear in mind that most people do not know that rights for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people are unprotected by either state or federal law. If This bill does not create new laws or grant “special" rights to homosexuals. It amends existing anti-discrimination stat- ues by adding “sexual orientation" to the protected categories already named (i.e. race, religion, gender, national origin, handicap, age, etc.). $5.00 (U.S.$) GOLDEN THREADS o conioci publication for lesbians over 50 ond women who love older women. Conodo and U.S. Confidentiol, worm, reli- able. For free information send self-od- dressed envelope; (U.S. residents pleose stomp ii). Sample Copy moiled discreetly. P.O. Box 3177, Burlington, VT O540l Green Mountain Feminist Counseling Service Carol E. Cohen M.S.W. ' Life and Career Crises -Troubled Relationships - Substance Abuse -Lesbian and Gay Positive - Sliding Fee Individuals, Couples. Groups Burlington, 864-5595 at PEARLS n-Bl\J 4 - 9 p.m. $5 - $1 0 sliding scale at the door 13