Out in the Mountains The Mority of Gay Love by Rick Wold One of the biggest arguments against gay love is that it is immoral — that God intended for sex to be only for the reproduc- tion of the species. That was all fine and good in the early days of the planet, when infant mortality was high and life spans were shorter. At that time it was necessary to reproduce as often as possible so that the strong could survive and the species could develop, both in terms of physical strength and intellectual capability. Although humans can only gain so much strength physically, the race has made up for any lack of physical strength with mental awareness. Starting with the ability to build shelter, to get out of the ele- ments of nature and to live most anywhere on the planet (or others, perhaps, in time), the more humankind learned, the more we were able to extend our lives, as well as the lives of the young coming into the world. Our planet is now overpopulated, and it gets harder for us to feed the world population (although that could be dis- cussed as another moral/capitalistic topic) every day. Basically, the human race no longer needs to reproduce at a pace that will suffocate the planet Earth. At most, mor- ally, in this day and age, each man and woman should not be responsible for more than one child entering this world toreplace them when they move on. With the length- ening of our lifespans, even one child might be excessive as more and more generations are sharing the planet at the sanre time. In today’s modern world, according to those who say sex should only be in mar- riage and for the reproduction of the spe- cies, we should only have sex twice in our lives — to produce offspring. That would be the moral thing to do, if humankind were notalsoathinkingbeast andcanreason and understand that sex is not only for repro- duction, but for pleasure as well. Granted, sex is a physical pleasure, which is what the “moralists” say is wrong with it. Many things are physical pleasures — smelling flowers, tasting good food — but our species also experiences these pleas- \ ures in a far greater context, through our minds. This is where humans differ from most other forms of life: the ability to know why we enjoy the things that make us happy. They are experienced in our minds as well as in our bodies. One of the greatest experiences our mind can encounter is something we know as “love,” and it is quite often expressed to the ones we love through sex. It is a natural way for people to share their feelings for one another, although love is a lot more than sex alone. Love is a very complex mind experi- ence. Having developed as very complex beings, we are sometimes able to figure this out Love can and should not only involve two people on an intimate level, but should be directed towards all creatures of this universe, looking out for the well-being of all. Love, therefore, is the most moral thing a person can achieve if you can find some- one who shares your love. What could be more moral than that? V ‘Ilia fassion of £Pear[s... fefiruary 1 ‘Women's iflujfet antfflance $100 5-9 pm. jfefiruary 10 M'ansfie[tI’Buck,s ‘Tea Dance $3.00 5'-.9 p.nL jfefiruary 16 Ladies Lounge Q)ance $1.00 7:00 pm. fefiruary 24 Olqfllflnniversary Qienefit witfr ‘Vginia and the ‘Wolves $5’-$10 4-9 p.m. \ Tearis 135 Tear[5treet CBur[ington, ‘Vermont J 10