OK. The birthday candles have been blown out; the last crumbs of the cake have been consumed, and the streamers are beginning to sag from the ceiling. Year Six, here we come. As glorious and wonderful as the past year has been for this newspaper, we con- tinue to rely heavily on the support of our readers and advertiser for a number of life- sustaining things, including the words Dykes to Watch Out For 7'tmot.J. You KEA LL)’ JHOUI W r’ 511 50 cl 0;? Th1H5 Tv. crust: IT :41: HEKE £L£cr»o- Ymt 11»/0 /we t‘/\TltET|r'! t Jl/>T n;u'r UNDERSTAND wuyvou IDOLIZE Hf/V1IA/ISM mo c-Amawrs t»/NH THAT OPPo/QTUNISTIC. APJTl- FE/vmJts1' ENTAEPIENEUR ’ on, CET arr 17, MO,’ /wtvnmm 5 Don‘: MORE Fm: oN£ BAMJEP Ml/SIC t/toes 111,414 THE LUTIOA/ARY! _SoME GUY we! I couw see THAT you snout» t/Am»! -me KITCHEN ‘mt IT'S ov£K_l W/TTCHIM6 -two k/Mm K155- and bisexual people around the state. If that voice is silent. . . 0ITM's Treasurer constantly reminds us that it costs money to put out apaper like this and that small charges (like staples) add up. To insure that we can buy our fine Treasurer a new pen to write checks with when the one he’s been using runs out, we need your continued financial assistance. This means renewing subscriptions, donat- ing funds when you can, patronizing our advertisers and saying you saw their ad in OITM, and/or advertising yourself if you run or own a business. Donations of time are also welcome at our monthly meetings (listed in the Calendar). Though the paper itself is growing, our financial base is rtot; we continue to barely cover the costs of printing and mail- ing. Subscribers are our livelihood, so we encourage you to subscribe if you don't al- ready. Granted, we do distribute free of charge at many locations around the state, but that's a costly enterprise. We need subscribers to fund that program (which is aimed primarily at those who cannot afford a subscription or who, for some reason or another, cannot have the paper sent to their home addresses — if you’re not in one of those categories and you still pick the paper up for free, consider this a mild inducement of guilt), and to show our advertisers that they are connecting with a steadily grow- ing and appreciative audience. As an incentive to new and present subscribers, we’re offering this deal: every new or renewed subscription entitles you to run up to six classified advertisements free of charge over the year of your sub- scription. This is a limited time offer with a goal not only of increasing our subscrip- tion base, but of allowing you, our readers, to more fully utilize the paper for your own needs. Whether this means that you take out a “for sale” ad six times a year for the rabbits that are breeding like crazy in your backyard hutch or that you send in a note of love and gratitude to your loved one every other month, it’s an unarguably great offer. We're constantly looking for new and better ways to serve the community. If you have any ideas of your own (our latestpipe dream, for example, is the installation of a toll-free telephone service for events list- ings and news updates in the state), please share them with us. In the meantime, we’ll keep working hard to make ends meet and keep you posted on what’s happening in our world.