Fishing with Women of the Woods (W.O.W.) off the Floating Bridge in Brookfield. 5:30 p.m. For more informa- tion, call 229-0109. 10 Vermont C.A.R.E.S. Birthday Dance at Contois Auditorium, City Hall, in Burling- ton at 8 p.m. Free admission. “Our thanks to the gay community for your support and assistance for the last five years.” Those who attend will receive free admission to Pearls that evening. 11 W.O.W. Work Bee. Enjoy the weather while you help put up a fence in Worcester. 10:00 a.m. For more info, call 229-0109. Spirituality/Sexuality Workshop for les- bians with Rev. Leanne Tigert, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Keene NH. $5 — $8 sliding fee. For more info, send a SASE to Monad- nock Area Womyn (MAW), PO Box 6345, Keene NH 03431 or call (603) 357-5757. Virginia and the Wolves appear at Ca- hoot’s in Brattleboro. 12 MOTHERS’ DAY 14 W.O.W. Poker Night in Worcester, 6:30 p.m. For more info, call 229-0109. 17 Elaine Townsend, lesbian singer/guitar- ist, in concert at the Unitarian Church on Main Street in Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. $5 - $10 sliding scale to benefit VT Coalition of lesbians and Gay Men. 17-19 AIDS Memorial Quilt on display at Dart- mouth College in Hanover NH. Sponsored by the AIDS Community Resource Net- work (ACoRN) of the Upper Valley. See article on page 20 for more details. Chiltern Mountain Club Spring Jambo- rec. with canoeing, camping, cycling, and hiking somewhere in New England. Call the Chiltern Trip Line at (617) 859-2843 for more information. Women Justice Workers‘ Conference at the Mary Crest Retreat Center in Grand Isle, Vermont. Registration fee is $45. In- cludes a dance with music by Virginia and the Wolves. For more information, contact Catalyst at PO Box 1308, Montpelier, Vermont 05602 or call Susan at (802) 223- 7943. 18 Rutland Area Gay/Lesbian Connection Dance Party. For more info, write PO Box 455, E. Middlebury, VT 05740. 19 Lesbian and Gay Parents’ Social Group Sunday Pot Luck Brunch. Monthly social gatherings for lesbian and gay parents and their children. For more information, call Deb or Jane at (802) 660-2713. W.O.W. Barbecue at noon in William- stown. Bring lawn chairs and whatever you want to eat or drink. For more info, call 229- 0109. Lesbian Educators' Support Group, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. For more information, call Karen at 865-2824. Vermont C.A.R.E.S. Volleyball Tourna- ment. Get your teams and cheerleading squads ready! $10 per person at the Essex Educational Center in Essex. Call Mike at 860-7129 for more info. 24 Bob Franke in concert at Unitarian Universalist Church on Pearl St. in Burl- ington. $10; proceeds benefit Vermont C.A.R.E.S. Tickets at the C.A.R.E.S. of- fice 30 Elrnwood A‘. '3, Burlington. 26 Vermont C.A.R.E.S. 2nd Annual Talent Show at Pearls in Burlington, 7:00 p.m. $5 at the door. Call Mike at 860-7 129 to regis- ter your favorite talent for the show. 27 MEMORIAL DAY Annual W.O.W. Sun on the Lawn in Plainfield. Bring something to grill, some- thing to drink, and something on which to sunbathe. Carnp-overs welcome on Sunday night. For more info, call 229-0109. ‘ 1 OITM Envelope Stuffing and General Meeting. 10 a.m. upstairs at 30 Ehnwood Ave, Burlington. Stuffing in the moming, followed by lunch, followed by the meet- ing. Newcomers (there’s always at least one!) are welcome. Call Hugh at 388-6503 for more info. W.O.W. Perennial Plant Swap, brunch, and planning session in Huntington, 11:00 a.m. For more info, call 229-0109. Springfest 1991 AIDS benefit for Ver- mont AIDS Council, 7 p.m. to 1 am. at the Radisson Hotel (Adirondack Room), Burlington. Includes fashion show, live entertainment, and dancing. Cash bar. $10 - $20 sliding scale donation. For tickets or more information, call Travis at (802) 626- 3618 or Noel at (802) 748-1024. 8 Pride Day in Boston, featuring an appear- ance by Virginia and the Wolves at Club Indigo. 15 Pride Day in New Hampshire at Pat’s Peak in Henniker. Featuring Teresa Trull, Kate Clinton, Romanovsky and Phillips, the Boston Gay Men’s Chorus, and Ladies Express. Admission is $15.00 with a dance in the evening. 16 OITM All-Community Meeting. Make your voice heard as we hold our annual meeting for staff members, advertisers, readers, and anyone else who wants to get involved or share ideas and input. Location to be announced; for more information, call 388-6503. KEEP fl§ PO§TED! Please let us know of any events that you feel should be on our calendar so that we can share them with all our readers. Send your group's listings or other informa- ‘ tion to: OITM, PO Box 177, Burlington VT 05402. Materials should be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication in order to be assured of appearing in print. 23 _..__._.__T_J