(CLASSIFIED INFORMATION) 0ITM‘s Classified Section features items for sale, housing opportunities, serv- ices offered and the like. Individuals may place ads at a rate of 50¢ per word with a $5.00 minimum; for businesses, the charge will be 75¢ per word with a $10.00 mini- mum. Subscribers to OITM may place free advertisements in any category up to six times per year. OIT M advises that you place or respond to ads at your own risk; we cannot screen ads for legitimacy nor as- sume responsibility. To be considered for publication, ads must be received by the 10th of the month. Mail to PO Box 177, Burlington VT 05402. Payment must ac- company your ad copy, and we must have your full name, address, and phone number (these will be kept confidential). ANNOUNCEMENTS PRIDE DAY 1991 will be on June 22 in Burlington. Be there! FOR RENT Three (four) room second-floor apart- ment in 200-yr.-old farmhouse. Private bath, storage area. Share washer/dryer, kitchen, deck, and sauna. 300 acres, streams, trails. In Northfield. $350 per month, male or female. Call 485-6244. HELP WANTED Office Volunteer Needed. Limited hours Monday through Friday. Strong abilities to work with the public, telephone skills help- ful. Willingness to perfonn general office/ maintenance tasks. Gay/Bi men encour- aged. Contact Dave at Vermont Committee for AIDS Resources, Education, and Serv- ices (VT C.A.R.E.S.), (802) 863-2437. Editor-in-Chief of OITM needed by sum- mer’s end. Layout and desktop publishing (Macintosh/Pagemaker) experience a must; good writing and proofreading skills also essential. This is a non-paying posi- tion, but it does have its perks, including free magazine subscriptions, excellent co- workers, and a computer/laserwriter set-up on loan from the organization. For more information or to apply for the position, write to OITM, PO Box 177, Burlington VT 05402 or call the current Editor at 388- 6503. Better yet, come to one of our meet- ings and introduce yourself to the crew! Case Manager. Requires knowledge of I-HV/AIDS; case management experience in health/social service; volunteer coordi- nation; travel in Vermont. APN/BSW or equivalent preferred. Resume and three references by May 13 to: Vermont C.A.R.E.S., PO Box 5248, Burlington VT 05402. Executive Director, New York in ‘94 (Gay Games IV). Oversee large volunteer force, manage fund-raising efforts, public speaking. Experience coordinating large special events. Self-motivated, hands-on type with very strong personal skills. Knowledge of lesbian and gay sports com- munity aplus but not required. Competitive Safe.Sexy.-cInd§A.l\J_El O .. __ ,(i_;_o1;‘3ao3-2:437 iri::Chrh?end;eri»_c¢un1y . A l_-800-649-2437 for Washington, Addison, and Rutlond counhes. Sponsored by Vermont C;A.R.E.S. May 1991 salary. Send resume and salary require- ments to: Search Committee, c/o Karen Merbaum, 691 President St., Brooklyn NY 11215-1207. Deadline May 15. HOUSING WANTED Lesbian professional would like living situation preferably with elderly lesbian in the Burlington area who would like help around the home in exchange for reduced rent. Supportive environment is a factor. Write to OITM-L, Box 177, Burlington VT 05402. NETWORKING “The List:” A weekly personals listing for gay and bisexual men. $5.00 gets you a fifty—word ad plus copies of others’ ads for four weeks. Mail to: David, PO Box 4191, St. Johnsbury, Vennont 05819. Anyone interested in spending Jewish holidays in the company of other lesbians and gay men should contact Larry (563- 2938) or Cheri (229-0109). TRAVEL Gay country inn with 20 charming rooms, 100 scenic acres, heated pool, hot tub, hik- ing/skiing trails, spacious common areas, peace & privacy. We’re your perfect vaca- tion choice year round! Highlands lnn, Box 118VT, Bethlehem NH 03574. (603) 869- 3978. Grace, Innkeeper. WANTED Anthology on pros/cons of same-sex marriage. Submissions by interview: long-term couples opposed to marriage and couples who have had commitment cere- mony. Contact: Suzanne, 5337 College #157, Oakland CA 94618, or call (415) 264-5535 by June 10, 1991. Stories, articles, photos, drawings, car- toons - we want it all! OITM needs your continued help in order to fillour ever- expanding publication. We are also seek- ‘ ing new ideas for distribution points, par- ticularly in the southern parts of the state. If you can help out in any or all of the above areas, let us know! Write to OITM, Box 177, Burlington VT 05402. 21