H h I1 (continued from previous page) For those interested in a less ambi- tious program, the Highlands is a great place to relax, read, nap, take walks, sit by the fire in the winter, or enjoy romantic time with a lover. There is a “couples atmos- phere” to the Highlands, and while children are welcome, most parents decide to leave the kids at home with a babysitter. Many women see the Highlands Inn as a way to meet people, either friends, lovers or other couples. According to Newman, “We have tons of people, literally tons of people, who have met all of their best friends here. It’s a nice easy atmosphere, so it’s a nice place to meet other folks without Joining ceremonies, quilting bees, and eventually a lesbian singles weekend: all part of the regular calendar of _ events at the Highlands Inn Just The Highlands Inn is often host to joining ceremonies and receptions, birth- day parties, anniversaries and other special events. For instance, there will be aquilting weekend in late May, where participants will make a quilt together in the space of a weekend (no experience necessary). Sev- eral times a year there is a couples weekend — a sort of marriage encounter for lesbians, facilitated by a therapist. And this year, after repeated requests, Newman plans to institute a lesbian singles weekend. Relations with the surrounding com- munity are excellent. In fact, this year the Inn came in first in Bethlehem’s seventh armual Christ- mas decoration contest. New- man “didn’t even know there was a contest until I read in the pa- per that we’d won it.” Local restaurants call Newman to thank her for sending them business. And by now, when- ever local mer- chants see two women to- gether, they assume they’re staying a lot of pressure. It’s funny, but there are even cases where I thought people knew each other because they’ve been coming here for ages, and they say ‘Oh, no, we met here four years ago! at the Highlands! The Highlands Inn reflects Grace Newman herself: a casual, warm, friendly woman who laughs a lot and chats easily with her guests. She works about 100 hours a week, and when asked why she does it, she says, “First of all, I love the place. I love the land. It’s really satisfying to look at it and say, ‘This is mine. I’ve made it what it is.’ And the other thing that’s really satisfy- ing is the response I get from people. Ican’t hear too much that people love it. People thank me all the time for having a place for the community, a beautiful country inn for them to be comfortable in and enjoy. Most of the guys who come really enjoy it, even though there aren’t many. But for women, it’s ‘our place.’ There’s really an identifica- tion with it.” For information or reservations, you can call Grace at (603) 869-3978, or write her at the Highlands Inn, Box 118VT, Bethlehem, NH 03574. "FriendIv" Inns 1' in the -Vermont Area: Theflinccaneergin Stowe, 253-4772 C01intry~ Cousin in Shaftesbury. 375- I_)orse_t,.HoIlow Bed and Breakfast in Dorset, 8647-5993” I ' ' A Grfeenhope Farm in -East Hardwick, 533-7772 3 I ‘ M A Howden Cottage. in Burlington, 864- 719,8—..i:v A ‘ InwoodManorinEastBarnet,633—4047 Mapleton.—Farm.Bed and Breakfast in :l?utney,257-5252' ' ‘I * ‘ -wayjrarer in Grafton, 843-2332 compiled from 1991 Gayellow Pages (302)447-2110 Therapeutic Massage \ / BY APPOINTMENT and Personal Lifestyle ‘— - DR NANCY L BURNS Cons‘-‘lt"t'.°" / \ CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN V ‘ BODY MIND SPIRIT Parnela Gale Offices in Burlington and M t I’ 135 NORTH STREET (HARSCH ASSOCIATES BUILDING) BENNINGTQN, VT 05201 Gift Certificates Available 13