Out in the Mountains VT. C.A.R.E.S. Hires New Educator John Olson has been hired by Vermont C.A.R.E.S. as the men's Safe, Sexy & Sane Program Educator. He will begin schedul- ing the party-style workshops for gay/bi- sexual men and men in recovery in May, and will be asking other members of our community to host parties for their friends. Parties take place in private homes and are attended by six to ten people. Partici- pants learn about HIV transmission, as- sessing their own personal risk factors, the use of condoms and other safer sex prac- tices, effective IV needle cleaning and the importance of self-esteem and confidence in negotiating safer sex with partners. Risk reduction information and parties are available for bisexual women and lesbi- ans by contacting Lauren at Vermont C.A.R.E.S. For more information about these and other programs, please contact John or Lauren at 863-2437 or 1-800-649-2437. Cutbacks in Women's Program Women Helping Battered Women regrets to announce that our business of- fices will be closed on Fridays in response to a projected budget deficit. This measure, which took effect the week of April 15, 1991, is expected to continue until the end of our fiscal year, June 30, 1991. Unfortunately, reduced government and foundation funding as well as regional recession have rendered us unable to keep pace with the increasing need for services for the women and children of our area. Be- cause long-range projections suggest that substantial cuts in both administrative and direct services will be required in the up- coming year, we have chosen to act now to lower expenses in order to lessen the need for large-scale reductions in the future. Increased volunteer commitment en- sures that hotline and shelter services will be unaffected and will remain available to the community seven days a week. Anyone interested in supporting Women Helping Battered Women as a volunteer may call 658-3131 for informa- tion. Donations would be greatly appreci- ated and can be sent to: Women Helping Battered Women, P.O. Box 1535, Burling- ton, VT 05402. :Please In the April issue, we”reported. that the phone number 1-800-545-3323‘ fill’ the Defense/Awareness" classes being offeredwastouch-tonein;forznation.That1 number is" actually a T*I'Y-TDD Téléiy, number.‘ - V" %F-—---—-—--—-----------—--1 I By subscribing now to O/TM, not only will you guarantee dellveryto your mailbox I (in a discreet envelope, of course), but you will also help undenivrite the rising I costs of publishing the newspaper. We also welcome any additional contribu-I | tions you can make to support ourcontinuing existence. Checks should be made I Igayable to O/TM and sent, along with this form, to: O/TM, P.O. Box 177,| I urllngton, Vermont 05402. I I Name : Address I . . I __ One-year ($20) _ Low-income ($10) _ Donation ($_____) I I Donations are especially welcome from those who prefer to pick up O/TM at I | one of the paper's distribution points rather than be added to the mailing list. | :__Please also let us know if you'd like to get involved in the newspaper. I" THANK YOU! I I __..__________________..___J