April 1991 AjPR,|L1991' 5-14 The New Festival National Gay and Les- bian 1991 Film Tour will be in the Boston area at the Brattle Theatre, Cambridge. For more details, call (617) 868-3416. 7 Canadian Festival Tour featuring Stephen Fearing, Ferron, Connie Kaldor, and James Kellaghan, 7:00 p.m. at the Brattleboro Union High School Audito- rium. Tickets $14.00 in advance, available at Everyone’s Books, Bratt Toadstool Books, Keene Worldeye Books, Green- field Beyond Words. For more info, call (802) 254-5238. Sponsored by Queens Run Concerts. An Afternoon of Music, Awareness, and Celebration with Randa McNamara and The Flirtations. 3:00 p.m. at the Palace Theatre, 80 Hanover Street, Manchester NH. Proceeds benefit the YWCA Women’s Crisis Series and the New Hamp- shire AIDS Foundation. Reserved seating $20 and $15; patron seating (includes post- concert reception) $50. Tickets at Palace Theatre box office or call (603) 625-5785. 10 Poker Night with Women of the Woods (W.O.W.) in Worcester at 6:30 p.m. For information on this and other W.O.W. events, call (802) 229-0109. 13 Stories and Songs for Teddy Bears and Friends, a benefit presentation for young folk and families, proceeds to Vermont C.A.R.E.S. 1:00 p.m., Unitarian Church (top of Church Street), Burlington. $2 per child and adult. For more information, call VT C.A.R.E.S. at (802) 863-2437. Gay 90’s Costume Ball 11 with prizes awarded to the best-dressed male and fe- male. “Put on your gowns and tuxedos and dance the night away.” For more informa- tron, call (603) 595-3650. Pride Dance and Auction at Pat’s Peak in Henniker NH to benefitNH Gay and Les- bran Pride. Preview, 6-6:30 p.m.; Auction starts at 6:30 with a dance following. Admission to dance is $6.00. For more Information, call (603) 382-9308. 13-15 Patriot’s Day Weekend Bike Trip in Vermont with the Chiltem Mountain Club. For more details, call Bob at (617) 266- 3812 or (802) 333-9448. 14 W.O.W.’s Third Anniversary Brunch. Come celebrate with us in Worcester, 10:00 a.m. Western Night Tea Dance at Pearl's in Burlington. All proceeds will go towards bringing The Quilt to New Hampshire on the weekend of May 17 -19. (See notice below and article on page 20 for details.) $3.00 donation, 6-10 p.m. Sponsored by the Mansfield Bucks. Greg Brown in concert to benefit Neigh- borhood Schoolhouse, 7:00 p.m. at the Brattleboro Union High School Audito- rium. Tickets $14.50 in advance, available at Everyone’s Books, Bratt Toadstool Books, Keene Worldeye Books, Green- field Beyond Words. For more info, caH (802) 254-5238. Sponsored by Queens Run Concerts. 20 Rutland Area Gay/Lesbian Connection Meeting in Rutland. For more information, write to address on Resource Page. 23 Holly Hughes brings her play “World Without End” to Johnson State College’s Dibden Center for the Arts, 8:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Johnson State College Festival of Arts and Letters. Tickets are $8.00 at the the door, reservations and fur- ther information may be obtained by call- ing 533-2575. 26 W.O.W. Dinner and/or Pot Luck Movie at the House of Tang, 5:00 p.m., or meet at the Capitol at 6:20 p.m. 27 “So Precious a Place: Womyn Speak on Womyn-Only Space,” video and discus- sion with Filmmaker Cecilia Denning at Dowsers Hall in Danville VT. Sponsored by Umbrella Lesbian Task Force. For more information, call (802) 748-8645. 28 Lesbian and Gay Parents’ Social Group Sunday Pot Luck Brunch. Monthly social gatherings for lesbian and gay parents and their children. For more infomation, call Deb or Jane at (802) 660-2713. Beginner’s Backpacking Course in New Hampshire with the Chiltem Mountain Club, in preparation for an overnight on the Long Trail from May 11-12. For more details, call Mike at (603) 644-7658. MAY A 3-5 W.O.W. Weekend at the Highlands Inn in Betlehem NH. Call to make reservations at (603) 869-3978. 4 OITM Envelope Stuffing at 10:00 a.m., upstairs at our office at 30 Elmwood St. in Burlington. Join us for lunch in town after that, then regroup for a general meeting at 1:00 back at the office. Newcomers are always present and welcome. For more information, call Hugh at (802) 388-6503. 11 Spirituality/Sexuality Workshop for Lesbians with Rev. Leanne Tigert, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Keene NH. For more in- formation and costs, send SASE to Monad- nock Area Womyn (MAW), PO Box 6345, Keene NH 03431 or call (603) 357-5757. 17-19 AIDS Memorial Quilt on display at Dart- mouth College in Hanover NH. Sponsored by the AIDS Community Resourne Net- work (ACoRN) of the Upper Valley. See article on page 20 for more details. KEEP QS PQ§TED', Please let us know of any events that you feel should be on our calendar so that we can share them with all our readers. Send your group's listings or other informa- tion to: OITM, PO Box 177, Burlington VT 05402. Materials should be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication in order to be assured of appearing in print. 23 3. i 2 i 1 .