April 1991 Outdoors with the Chiltern Mountain Club By Larry Burns As any gay man or lesbian woman knows, spring is a great time to be out — outdoors that is, with other gays and lesbi- ans. If you enjoy hiking, bicycling, canoe- ing or any other outdoor activity, then the Chiltem Mountain Club is a great way to meet people who share your interests. Chiltem is an all-volunteer organiza- tion with a newsletter that lists activities led by its members. The trips are open to every- one, but to really know about all of the activities it is best to join Chiltem and receive the newsletter on a monthly basis. The group is generally low-key, with events organized according to the level and energy of the trip leaders. This spring and summer, for example, members will hike portions of the Long Trail from Mt Abe to Jay Peak by complet- ing sections one weekend each month. Mike Boisvert, a New Hampshire member who leads this event, says that beginners are welcome and can be helped out with equipment. The hiking pace will be reason- able. He feels that hikes are a great way to meet people who share your values and ap- preciate the outdoors. It's also a great way to have a good time. The Chiltem Mountain Club is based in Boston and is part of “lGLOO," the International Gay and Lesbian Outdoor Or- ganization. There are about 1000 members, with about 35 in Vermont. Because Ver- mont is such a great place to be outdoors, many members lead activities here. New Hampshire is also a popular destination. Downhill and nordic skiing, snowshoeing, rock climbing, walks, ice skating, tennis, and sailing are often found in the newslet- ter. Members are encouraged to lead or co- lead activities they enjoy. On Memorial Day weekend (Sat. , May 25 thru Mon., May 27) there will be bicy- cling trips starting from Island Pond State Park. Lisa Howe from Boston welcomes riders of all levels to come for any part of the weekend. You can car-camp or just show up for the day. There will be both road and mountain bike rides. Get your bike out now and start pedaling to be ready for this one! Another event coming up next month is the annual Jamboree, usually held in New Hampshire. Members camp out, share a pot-luck cook out and enjoy a big camp fire in the evening. Everyone chooses activities during the day -- biking, running, bird watching, canoeing, rock climbing and volleyball. To get a sample Chiltem newsletter call: 1-617-859-2843, or write: Chiltem Newsletter, P.O. Box 1063, Watertown, MA 02272- 1063. To find out about the activities men- tioned above: Mike Boisvert: 1-603-644- 7658, Lisa Howe: 1-617-625-2689. Also check the 01 TM calendar as Chiltem events are often listed. You can also call Larry at 1- 802-728-4069. f w ‘Hie Tassion of1’ear£s... fllpriI5 ‘Women’: fluflét am{£Daru:e $5.00 5 -9 p.m. fllprif 14 Mansfizfdfliucks ‘Tea Dance 53.00 5-9 pm. filpriI20 Ladies Lourge £Dance $1.00 7-10 pm. fllpn'I28 Qiirgo-:Pizza-fPrL'zes 9\[p cover 8:00 pm. £Pear£s , 135 £Pear[ Street Qiurfington, ‘Vermont & ¥ 11