A bill prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation has been introduced into both the Senate (S.l31) and the House of Representatives (H.162). The draft is similar to the bills introduced in previous years and includes employment (both public and private), public accommo- dations, housing, credit, relief from abuse, and financial transactions (mortgage and credit). Not included in the bill, but advo- cated for by both Liaisons, was child cus- tody; it is still possible to advocate for its inclusion during committee debate. Mem- bers of the Legislature were unwilling to sign on to the bill as co-sponsors with this provision still included. Both versions have been assigned to the Judiciary Committee in its respective chamber. If your Representative or Senator is a sponsor, write and thank him or her. For some of them, this is their first public state- ment supporting equal rights for lesbian, gay and bisexual people. They need to hear our support for their action. If you are a member of a civic, reli- gious or professional group or organiza- tion, encourage them to publicly endorse this bill. If your group has sent a statement of endorsement in previous years, ask them to continue their support. The strategy at this time is to move the bill in the Senate first, where there are ap- pears to be greater support. The hope is that a large public hearing, such as that which we have been subjected to in the past, won't be required again. This is our fifth year advocating for legislative protections for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. The strong support for the Hate Crimes Bill has given us strong momentum for this bill during this session. With your support, we can make equal rights a reality for all Vermonters, includ- ing lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals. April 1991 Civil Rights Bill Update Legislators Supporting 8.131 and H. 162 Senate S.13l: Lead Sponsor: David Wolk (D) Rutland: Box 236, Chittenden, 05737 Jan Backus (D) Windham: 11 Chapin St., Brattleboro, 05301 May Ann Carlson (D) Bennington: West Mountain Lane, Arlington, 05250 Sally Conrad (D) Chittenden: 35 Wilson Road, Burlington, 05401 Edwin Granai (D) Chittenden: 106 Killamey Drive, Burlington, 05401 Althea Kroger (D) Chittenden: 10 Church Street, Essex Junction, 05452 George Little (R) Chittenden: 159 Prospect Parkway, Burlington, 05401 Richard McCormack (D) Windham: RD 2 Box 124, Bethel, 05032 Douglas Racine (D) Chittenden: RD 1 Box 218, Richmond, 05477 Elizabeth Ready (D) Addison: RD 1 Box 2018, Bristol, 05443 Cheryl Rivers (D) Windsor: RD 2 Box 1069, Bethel, 05032 House H.162: Lead Sponsor: Vi Luginbuhl (R) Chittenden 6-2: 1559 I-Iinesburg Rd, S. Burlington, 05403 Alice Bassett (D) Chittenden 7-3: 179 N. Prospect St, Burlington, 05401 Terry Bouricius (PC) Chittenden 7-4: 77 Intervale Ave., Burlington, 05401 Lovonia Bright (D) Chittenden 6-3: 45 Country Club Dr., S. Burlington, 05403 Sean Campbell (D) Windham 4: Box 318, Saxtons River, 05154 Nancy Chard (D) Windham 2-3: 11 Chestnut Hill, Brattleboro, 05301 Andrew Christiansen (D) Washington 2: Hammett Hill Rd, E Montpelier, 056521 Paul Cillo (D) Caledonia 1: RR1 Box 932, Hardwick, 05843 David Clarkson (D) Windham 3: R1 Box 2426, Newfane, 05345 Hamilton Davis (D) Chittenden 7-3: 26 Henry St., Burlington, 05401 David Deen (D) Windham 1: RFD3 Box 800, Putney, 05346 David Larsen (D) Bennington-Windharn 1: PO Box 172, Wilmington, 05363 Doris Lingelbach (D) Orange 4: Box 149, Thetford, 05074 Peg Martin (D) Addison 4-2: 33 Seminary St., Middlebury, 05753 Curt McCormack (D) Rutland 6-4: 179 Grove St., Rutland, 05701 Lisa O’Neil (R) Windsor 1-2: 1 Cascadnac Place, White River Jct, 05001 Jane Potvin (D) Grand Isle 1: R1 Box 202, S. Hero, 05486 Helen Riehle (R) Chittenden 7-2: 106 Ledge Rd, Burlington 05401 Charles Ross (D) Chittenden 5-2: RD1 Box 2222, Hinesburg, 05461 Inge Schaefer (R) Chittenden 9-2: 10 Tanglewood Dr, Colchester, 05446 Ann Seibert (D) Windsor 1-1: R2 Box 428, Norwich, 05055 Peter Shumlin (D) Windham 1: Dusty Ridge Rd, Putney, 05346 Tom Smith (PC) Chittenden 7-7: 222 Park St, Burlington, 05401 Ron Squires (D) Windham 5: RFD3 Box 215, Brattleboro, 05301 Mary Sullivan (D) Chittenden 7-1: 80 Austin Dr.#81, Burlington, 05401 Member National Lesbian and Gay Law Association ROBERT W. ZEUNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Bauer, Gravel and Watson 362 Main Street Burlington, VT 05401 863-5538 David W. Curtis ATTORNEY AT LAW iron‘, Agel, Curtis, Path: & Cassidy, no 100 MAIN STREET PO. BOX 247 BURLINGTON. VT 05402-0247 802-864-4531