Out in the Mountains Trouble With Morality Dear OITM, Mr. Rick Wold’s commentary, “The Morality of Gay Love” (February 1991), made it sound as if our only defense for morality is that the Bible is outdated. Whether his motivation for the article was to ease the mind of anyone with a moral dilemma or to pose an argument to the moral majority, using reproduction as his sole argument for moralizing homosexual- ity in his article made it seem as if we have no other defense. The subject of morals in homosexual- ity is so far-reaching and encompassing that it could almost be considered a special- ized discipline in itself. Treating it in such a short article with such shallow defenses only demeaned the subject for those who are seriously torn by orthodox morality versus what they feel inside of them. As a gay advocate I appreciate any defence of homosexuality by anyone, but when a gay person brought up in a conser- vative atmosphere tries to justify the moral- ity of their feelings to themselves and oth- ers, there is more than reproduction in- volved. I’m sure that Mr. Wold didn't intend to treat his subject lightly or he wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of writing an article about something that is as important to us as the debate of morality. But he not only failed to provide his argument with facts (of which there are many), he did not do justice to a subject that is ambiguous at best for those who need most to understand it. I don’t mean to bash Mr. Wold for trying to enlighten people on a topic that many need to know (and want to know) more about. But if he wanted to tackle the issue of morality he should have acknowl- edged the fact that for many people the difference between coming out and living a lie comes down to knowing that morality is simply a matter of opinion, interpretation, and upbringing. Sexual morality was not carved in stone three thousand years ago and is only a tradition that has been handed down since the fall of Greek civilization. If Mr Wold would like to justify the morality of gay love he should have started with a definition of ‘morality’ and just what it really is. The only way to prove an argu- ment is to begin at the beginning. Thank you for listening. Truly, Sherrie Fuqua W. Chazy, N.Y. mvrl | By subscribing now to OITM, not only will you guarantee deliveryto your mailbox | I (in a discreet envelope, of course), but you will also help underwrite the risingl costs of publishing the newspaper. We also welcome any additional contribu- I tions you can make to support our continuing existence. Checks should be made |gayable to OITM and sent, along with this form, to: OITM, P.O. Box 177,| I urllngton, Vermont 05402. I | Name I Address I : __ One-year ($20) __ Low-income ($10) __ Donation ($___:___) I Donations are especially welcome from those who prefer to pick up OITM at I | one of the paper's distribution points rather than be added to the mailing list. | l__Please also let us know if you'd like to get involved in the newspaper. : ' THANK YOU! I‘ 11jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjfi l