21 NH CI'I‘IZEN’S ALLIANCE FOR GAY AND LESBIAN RIGHTS (CAGLR) -- Monthly meeting and newsletter stuffing. 3 Pleasant St., 2nd Floor, Concord, NH. Cal] (603) 224-1686. 23-March 26 FALSETTOS -- Presented by the Seacoast Repertory Theater, Portsmouth, NH. Tickets $12-$18. Group discounts available. Call 1-800-639-7650. 24 CHILTERN MOUNTAIN CLUB -- Beginner XC ski trip in the White Mountains of NH. Call (617) 648-9185. ON A WINTER’S NIGHT -- With Cheryl Wheeler, John Gorka, Patty Larkin, and Cliff Eberhardt. Symphony Hall, Boston, MA. Call (617) 266-1200. 25 OITM -- Envelope stuffing for March 1995 issue. 10:00 am, 109 South Winooski Avenue, Burlington. All those wanting to get involved with the newspaper are strongly encouraged to attend. For info, call Fred at (802) 655-5638. OI TM OPEN HOUSE — Come celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Vermont’s only newspaper serving its gay, lesbian, and bisexual community as well as help us welcome in our new format. The Open House will be help at the OITM office space, 109 South Winooski Ave., Burlington. Bagels will be courtesy of Bruegger’s Bagel Bakery. VERMONT GAY SOCIAL ALTERNATIVES (V GSA) -- 3rd annual Male Erotica Party. $5 gets you in the door, beer/soft drinks, snacks, access to video booths, and the opportunity to replenish your print and video libraries. 9:00 pm to midnight. Donation of materials is appreciated. Call (802) 860-7129. A Mlfif 135 PEARL -- Women’s Lounge Dance, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. No cover! 135 Pearl St., Burlington. Call (802) 863-2343. 26 BRATTLEBORO AREA AIDS PROJECT -- Gay Guy Get-Together, an opportunity for men who love men, whether they identify as gay, bi, or straight, to meet one another in a supportive, affimring social environment. 7:30 pm, Cafe Beyond in the Collected Works Bookstore, 29 High St., Brattleboro. Call Carey at (802) 254-8263. 27 GENDER-FREE DANCE GROUP -- International Folk Dancing, with Louise Brill. Brattleboro. Call (802) 763-7112. OITM -- Submission deadline for all materials (advertisements, articles, letters, classifieds, etc.) to be printed in the April 1995 issue. 28 VCLGR -- Fourth Friday Series. First of three informational sessions ofiered via Vermont Interactive Television at seven sites statewide. Call (802) 365-9139 or (802) 482-3927. March 1 INTERNATIONAL GAY AND LES- BIAN OUTDOOR ORGANIZATION (IGLOO) -- Winter Rendezvous in Stowe. Five days of skiing and other winter sports. Call (518) 449-0758. 4 AMELIA’S -- Cross Country Ski, Amelia’s Meeting, and Potluck. Ski 2:00 pm and Meeting/Potluck at 5:30 pm. Call (603) 632-7146. Iv ebruary 1995 WOMEN’S OUTDOOR CHAL- LENGES -- Introduction to Winter Camping, Chesterfield, NH. Call (603) 763-5400. 5 VERMONT PRIDE COMMITTEE -- Organizational and planning meeting for the June 3 event, “Queers and Friends Face the Right”. Entertainers and musicians also needed. 10:00 am, Burlington. Call Jen at (802) 865-0440 or Peter at (802) 878-1 123. 8 ASTRAEA NATIONAL LESBIAN ACTION FOUNDATION -- Application deadline for its 1995 Lesbian Writers Fund. Makes five awards of $11,000 each to emerging lesbian writers of fiction and poetry. Write Attn: Lesbian Writers Fund, 666 Broadway, Suite 520, New York, NY 10012 or call (212)529-8021. V MEMBER SM Prudential Referral Services INTERNATIONAL NETWORK Christy Wardwell REALTOR Res. (802) 655-7034 Voice Mail (802) 864-1905 ext 32 (802) 864-0541 FAX (802) 864-1910 05/95 360 Main Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401 /4e¢acc'ate¢ as Eecaaou; Tax 6 Accounting Services 31 1. Julie M. Miller Certified 1’ubl1‘c Accommml Browns Trace Building P.0. Box 910 Richmond, VT 05477 802-434-6466 1121. 802-434-6465 mx Janet K. Brown, M. A., c.A.D.c. LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST - MASTER CERTIFIED ALCOHOL AND DRUG COUNSELOR Jean Townsend, M.A., L.c.M.H.c LICENSED CLINICAL MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR Milton, VT (802) 893-4816 Burlington, VT (802) 863-8162