Out in the Mountains Calendar THE FLIRTATIONS -- The world’s most famous proudly gay a capella group will appear in concert at the Barre Opera House as part of the Onion River Arts Council and Barre Opera House’s Celebration Series. 8 pm. Tickets $6—$l6. Call 1-800-639-1383. 11-12 OUTRIGHT VERMONT SPEAKERS’ BUREAU TRAINING -- Out1'ight’s speakers will work with schools and other organizations both to talk directly to young people and to educate professionals. No experience necessary to attend training. Call Karin at (802) 865-9677. f’ho‘u.se \ :iiarrans.~‘=m1tS i,re1£1.fiQhf§.,:Ipit*issue$ ‘ 7 — - a 12 BRATTLEBORO AREA AIDS PROJECT -- Gay Guy Get-Together, an opportunity for men who love men, whether they identify as gay, bi, or straight, to meet one another in a supportive, affirming social environment. 7:30 pm, Cafe Beyond in the Collected Works Bookstore, 29 High St., Brattleboro. Call Carey at (802) 254-8263. LESBIAN/GAY/BISEXUAL POTLUCK -- First Unitarian Church, 152 Pearl St., Burlington. Meet in the upstairs parlor at 12:30 pm following the service. All welcome, whether or not you attend the service. LAKE CHAMPLAIN CHAPTER PFLAG -- Monthly meeting, 2:00 pm, First United Methodist Church, Burlington. Call (802) 8634285 or (802) 658-3961. 13 VERMONT PWA COALITION -- Monthly" Board Meeting, 6:00 pm. All are welcome to attend. Call (802) 222-5123 or 1—800—69VTPWA. 14 VALENTINE’S DAY NATIONAL CONDOM DAY -- Designated by the American Social Health Association. LEGISLATIVE AWARENESS DAY -- In New York, some of the activities include lobbying in Albany. If you need to let your voice be heard, let this be the day to do it. Remember, elected officials are on public assistance. ACORN -- Bereavement support group: love lost to AIDS. Meeting at DMHC, 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Call Yoni Stevens at (603) 650-5789. 15 PFLAG BRATTLEBORO -- Monthly meeting, 7:00 pm, Lutheran Church, Brattleboro. Call Jean at (802) 257-5409. 17 VERMONT GAY MEN’S SPIRITUAL SUPPORT BROTI-IERHOOD -- Discover, explore, and create a loving men’s mythic mysteries of the green man and our personal spiritual journey through sacred space-time with sacred images, 6200 pm to 9:30 pm. Call (802) 863-9684. 17-19 WOMEN’S OUTDOOR ADVENTURE COOPERATIVE -- Ski Bretton Woods, downhill or XC, and stay at Weirs Beach. Twin Mountain, NH. Call (603) 483-8704. WOMEN’S OUTDOOR CHAL- LENGES -- Women’s Snowshoeing/W inter Hiking Weekend, $190 includes Bed and Breakfast accommodations and meals. N. Woodstock, NH. Call (603) 763-5400. 18 SOCIAL ALTERNATIVES FOR GAY NIEN (SAM) -- Mardi Gras ‘95. Radisson, West Lebanon, NH. 8:00 pm. $10 in advance, $15 at the door. Call (603) 543-4136. 19 VERMONT PRIDE COMMITTEE -- Organizational and planning meeting for the June 3 event, “Queers and Friends Face the Right”. Entertainers and musicians also needed. 10:00 am, Burlington. Call Jen at (802) 865-0440 or Peter at (802) 878-1123. P-FLAG CENTRAL VERMONT -- Monthly meeting including support, education, and advocacy. 1:00 pm, second floor chapel, Unitarian Church, 134 Main Street, Montpelier. Call Jan at (802) 479-9246. Lauren Tlriem Psychotherapist Individuals and Couples 431 Pine Street - The Maltex Building Burlington, VT 05401 - 802 860-8393 Sarah 1’0well v Family Law v Personal Injury ATTORNEY AT LAW v Insurance Coverage lssues v Workers’ Compensation v S.S.l/Disability v D.Vl.l. 156 Battery Street, Burlington, Vermont (802) 860-620? 22