Out in the Mountains Classifieds 0ITM’s Classified Section features items for sale, housing opportunities, personals, services offered and the like. lfyou‘re looking for a good IRA. nobody makes it e:1sie1‘tli;1n Allstate. Stop by it you mint: A C0111})€[lllV'€l‘Ll[€S _ A No adiniiiist1'ati\'e fees A Helpful, pe1‘sonalse1\'ice A Vzuiety of p'.1y<)ut options just ask me about our Cash De\'€|opc1‘lRA! 863-3808 Ellen Heatherington 130 Prim Road Colchester, VT 05446 You’re in good hands. /Illslale L'C)|‘)‘),i .-\ll.\l1llL‘ Lilo ln.\urnurr (llniiipilin. Nonlihrnulx. lllimus. l’l'.1ll(lL‘§(Tli)L'(l l.\'llll‘.\llsI1lll‘ Flexible Proniiuni R('lll‘L‘lllL'lll .\llII1lll) Individuals may place ads at a rate of 50 cents per word with a $5.00 minimum; businesses at 75 cents per word with a $10.00 minimum. You place or respond to ads at your own risk; we cannot screen ads for legitimacy nor assume responsibility. To be considered for publication, ads must be received by the submission deadline. Mail to P.O. Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402. Payment must accompany your ad copy, and we must have your full name, address, and phone number (these will be kept confidential). FOR SALE ON OUR BACKS The most intelligent sex magazine happens to be lesbian. Offers you bimonthly award—winning fiction, sexy pictorials, sassy columns, humorous reviews, and thought provoking features. $34.95/yr. (6 issues) SASE catalog. On Our Backs, 526 Castro St., Suite OM, San Francisco, CA 941 14. Send check, MO, or VI/MC. 1-800-845-4617. (02-95) Calendar Weekly Events: ADIRONDACK COMMUNITY COLLEGE GAY AND LESBIAN ASSOCIATION -- Meets every Wednesday, 6:30 pm, Mountaineer Room. CHAMPLAIN COLLEGE GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL SUPPORT GROUP -- Meets every Monday, 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Student Resource Center, first floor of the Hauke Family Campus Center. Call Becky Peterson at (802) 658-0800, ext. 2605. . FRIENDS VERMONT -- Healing Circle, Wednesdays from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the Professional Nurses Service, 294 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Meditation, song, and guided visualization exercises. Donations accepted. Call (802) 8654608. GAY/LESBIAN ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS -- Meets Sundays at 6:30 HOWDEN COTTAGE ljfgl G liéikfast Continental - No Smoking - By Reservation Only 32 No. Champlain St. - Burlington, VT 05401 Bruce M. Howden - Proprietor - 802 864-7198 e man.-1 IVORK” Your Full Service Travel Agency Experts in both business and vacation travel Guaranteed lowest airfares 0 Cruise discounts worldwide Representing Gay travel companies such as RSVP and Atlantis Specialists for travelers with disabilities Ask us about Travel Network's frequent flier program Fly once, earn twice - once with the airlines and once with us Our services are always free 863-4300 Toll free 1-800-203-2929 01860 Williston Road, South Burlington Open M-F 8-6 and Sat 11-3