Alison Bechdel is one of the most important chroniclers of our lives It is outrageous that a question should ever be posed as to the “appropriateness” of her cartoon. We are obliged as a point of honor to protect and validate one of our own who has given us so much. How could we do different?! If we don’t hold the front line on this, who will? The churches? Nat Harrison Chazy, NY ***** I love Alison Bechdel’s “Dykes To Watch Out For”!!! I think it is very appropriate for OITM. It’s one of the first things I read when my OIT M arrives. Tereea Mitonell Hanover, NH ***** Is “Dykes To Watch Out For” inappropriate for this newspaper?!? Are you kidding? I think this question is inappropriate ! Alison Bechdel is a cartoonist of extraordinary talent whose work is syndicated all over this country. She’s also a local -- a Vermonter, for God’s sake! And you question whether her work should be printed in Verrnont’s queer newspaper based on a complaint from the apparently heterosexual and presumably homophobic leadership of the Rutland United Methodist Church?! What’s going on with OITM that you, of all people, would ask such a question? Are you merely trying to goad readers into responding to your question of the month? If so, I would suggest that you try to come up with an issue on which there is a debate of real significance with the g/1/b community. Or are you really going to allow a bunch of Christian homophobes to dictate which parts of OITM will be considered questionable content? These folks say they understand the purpose of OITM, but I don’t believe they do, and perhaps your editorial staff needs some reminding as well. The masthead clearly states that OITM is “Vermont’s newspaper for lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals”. Educating the “general public” (which in the Rutland Methodist Church’s usage seems to be restricted to heterosexuals) may be a secondary effect of this mission, but this is not a paper for heterosexuals, and in any case no real education could be accomplished by whitewashing our image until it no longer reflects the full reality of who we are. Dear God, if we respond this way in response to criticism from relatively mild-mannered, struggling to be open (but not too open) heterosexual Christians, what will we do when the Religious Right l 1040 u.s. Inaivllsiial |nconu~1§;'n';itTm 0 Professional Service SERVICE, INC. maho- ° Reasonable Rates Exemption 15¢: not '7 Individual, Business, Partnershi and :3 Corporate Returns. Convenient y located in Burlington and Hincsburg. 863-2271 Our fiom: is making complex IRS rules understandable. Conveniently located in Electronic FilingA1/ailable. "'-""""""7“""=‘ ..l Burlington and Hinesburg. 19 .....................................g,%........ 14¢! %ea cum! Sm! INDEPENDENT TAX SERVICE 0% If you call 863-2271 by February 15 to schedule an appointment 1* ebruary 1995 rides in screaming hellfire and damnation? Roll over and play dead? Next time you have a dilemma like this, run it by Auntie Pearl before you run it by your readers. I’m sure she’ll set you straight (or not) in a jiffy. Helen Johnson Brattleboro More responses will be printed next month. V ‘ i .0 l.orilI.Dowe We %lcome ur usiness 35 0 Dorset Street, So. Burlington (Heading 5016/: an Dorset St, tum left onto San Remo Dr.) so2-s63—23oo - Fax 862-658-2191 Hours: 9:30 am. - 6:00 p.m. Monday — Saturday OFF Q£JR_F133