Out in the Mountains Are you a psychiatric patient/survivor who is lesbian, gay, or bisexual? I am looking for people to fill out a survey about their experiences in the mental health care system, being gay, lesbian, or bisexual —- so that together we can educate mental health workers and self-help organizations about the views and opinions of lesbian, gay, and bisexual consumers. Please help. For information or a survey, call or write Alicia Luckstead, PO Box 210 UMCP, College Park, MD 20742-3999, (301) 277-8420. V Errata... The letter to the editor on page 3 of the January 1995 issue of OITM was supposed to make reference to the book One Teacher in Ten, not One Teenager In Ten. We apologize for the confusion. V OITM Open House You are cordially invited to attend an OITM Open House on February 25 starting at 10 am to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Vermont’s only newspaper serving its gay, lesbian, and bisexual community. Also help us welcome in our new format. The Open House will be held at the OITM office space, 109 South Winooski Ave., Burlington. Bagels will be courtesy of Bruegger’s Bagel Bakery. V Opinions In The Mountains: The Responses The response to December’s question asking, “Do you agree that ‘Dykes To Watch Out For’ is in ‘poor taste’ and inappropriate for this newspaper?” was overwhelming. Here is a sampler of those opinions in the mountains. The first thing I do with new issues of OITM is open them up and search for “Dykes To Watch Out For” so I can find out the latest on Mo, Lois, and the rest of the gang. Frankly, if the Rutland United Methodist Church does not like DTWOF, then they certainly (did) not like the December issue, what with Auntie Pearl, pictures of men in drag, and advertisements for lesbian erotica. Perusing the “Where To Find OITM” blurb, I notice that the only churches distributing OITM are in Rutland. Perhaps it is this, and not the content of OITM, that is not such a brilliant idea. Jay Schuetcr Burlington Continued next page. .. Readers are encouraged.t_0 .voice their opinions by’. . V . _ _responding’_t‘_oAtheq1iestion.posed“ihAthismonthly feature. V ,P1¢ase sen _ Zrcsponsesito OITM: P‘Q,_B:o‘x 17.7,. ' l . t ” i ‘ ,'.;VT 05402{br, vm the.Inte‘fn’et-tat A j..Oi1jt‘I,erinont‘@ao1.C’om, , ’1- - — ’éciiton A~deal_s‘:witii‘~the~issue.of same sex it . he 0 dt -shou1d:bj¢.. , SUSAN M. MURRAY LANGROCK SPERRY &. WOOL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 15 SOUTH PLEASANT STREET MIDDLEBURY, VERMONT 05753 BURLINGTON OFFICE: AREA CODE: B02 275 COLJ_EGE STREET TELEPHONE: 388-6356 BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402 HOME PHONE: B77-3 I 65 802-864-0217 FAX 49: 336-6149 compufiep home office computer consultafiiin & tra " cc.’ When your "drive" the Officé; is a walk across%g5the hall. Cindy Mattison ‘R 802 - 434 - 4924 homeoffioe-tel ..»:.>::«<= s-.<::<\ ec »:» M2.» ommuting - home business ° f ....~ .—«©Q.~z\\..»e\F?$K-..ax‘.1R§’a$‘4>‘¢.—.‘¥.& '. x. , . V. 9,... ‘.1\‘<.\