VCLGR’s Coalition Notes The 1994-95 Board of Directors is planning for its annual retreat in February/March. The ‘new’ board already has two meetings under its belt and has begun work on events for the coming year. Watch TV with us! The first event sponsored by VCLGR in ‘95 will be the ‘Fourth Fridays’ series scheduled for February, March, and April. Three informational sessions will be offered via Vermont Interactive Television at seven sites statewide on the fourth Friday in February (2/28), March (3/24), and April (4/28). So get yourself to Bennington, Brattleboro, Rutland, Randolph, St. Johnsbury, Waterbury, or South Burlington on one or all three of these Friday evenings for information and interactive sharing. Topics are still being developed at press time but are likely to include some of the following: ‘Family Issues for Our Communities” (impending legislation and court decisions regarding adoption and same—sex marriage); ‘Our Legislative and Political Agenda’ (what will be our challenge and focus in Montpelier and Washington, D.C., this year?); ‘Fight the Right in Vermont’ (grassroots ‘ organizing and strategies against the oppressive agenda of the Far Right); and ‘Gay and Lesbian History’ (a look at the gay and lesbian movement and contributions of gays and lesbians in history). If you have not received our informational mailing, call us for topics and details. Keith Goslant, Susan Aranoff, and Tom Fleury met with Governor Dean’s Chief of Staff Kathy Hoyt in early January as part of the transition of VCLGR Co—liaison duties to Susan and Tom. Keith and Holly Perdue will surely be missed as familiar and persistent faces in the Governor’s office and State House. What did they wear to the ball? Co—liaisons Tom Fleury and Susan Aranoff were invited by the Governor’s office to represent VCLGR at the Governor’s Inaugural Ball in January. The numbers are in! Tabulated feedback from the 2nd Annual VCLGR Conference: A Queer Town Meeting rated the Conference on a 1 to 5 scale (low to high). 35% of attendees completed the feedback forms and rated the Conference as ‘affirming’ (4.6 rating), ‘informational’ (4.4 rating), with a ‘good balance of workshop topics’ (44 rating), and a ‘good _keynote speaker’ (4.4 rating). VCLGR members, and many of you joined at the Conference, should expect membership cards and information to reach your mailboxes in February. If you have not signed up, call us. Making inroads. Susan Aranoff has been representing VCLGR for the past six months in the Department of Education task group to develop Sexual Harassment in Education legislation that protects students against sexual harassment in Vermont schools. Because of Susan’s work to educate the task group about the special issues of students_ who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual, the language of the regulations was rewritten with a sensitivity to the issues that g/1/b students might face in such situations. And more inroads. Since last May, the Coalition has been closely studying the work of the Legislature’s adoption reform .study committee and has been developing legal language and strategies on the issue. Stay tuned for more details and information in next month’s VCLGR’s Coalition Notes. Look for VCLGR’s Coalition Notes column from now on in each issue of OITM. Women’s Issues Psychotherapy Mansfield Psychotherapy Associates 177 Battery Street Burlington, VT 05401 MARK RUBIN, LICSW February 1995 If you need to Contact the Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights (VCLGR), you may write to PO Box 1125, Montpelier, VT05602, or you may call (802) 365-9139 or ( 802) 482-3927. ***** VCLGR Board of Directors Co-Chairs Mary M. Hurlie (Hinesburg) Christopher Wesolowski (Newfane) Co-Liaisons to the Governor Susan Aranoff (Randolph) Tom Fleury (Burlington) Terje Anderson (Burlington) Tom Aloisi (Burlington) Judith Beckett (Bradford) Louise Brill (South Royalton) D. Dudley (Strafford) Carey Johnson (Brattleboro) Laurie Labarthe (Worcester) Judy Lashof (Sudbury) Susan Murray (Ferrisburg) Gabriel Q. (Northfield) Joseph Watson (East Middlebury) V Outright Vermont Speakers’ Bureau Training February 11-12 Outright's speakers will work with schools and other organizations both to talk directly to young people and to educate professionals. No experience necessary to attend training. Call Karin at (802) 865-9677 at Outright for more information. V (802) 863-9079 - Small Business B LAC KWOOD D , A NK Eileen M. Blackwood Pamela Kraynak ATTORNEYS AT LAW 0 Employment law 84 Pine Street ' Education law p.O_ BOX 875 I Wills, Relationship Contracts - Commercial & Residential Real Estate Burlington, VT 05402 (802) 863-2517