possibly the most important day of our lives! I want it to be perfect. Your opinion, please! —— Worried Groom ITE YOUR Xfrnrrr PEARL ’ V ( Dear Auntie Pearl: This should be the happiest time of my life because my lover, “Scott” and I are getting married. But there’s a problem that’s making us miserable. It’s Scott’s father. When Scott came out to him two years ago, he slapped Scott and told him to never come to the house again. I can’t tell you how much it took for me not to go over and give the old bastard a piece of my mind or to slap him myself. But Scott insisted that we just forget about it. Dear Worried Groom: If you’re looking for perfection, stay out of the marriage game. Marriage is about cooperation. Might as well start now. Scott is attempting a reconciliation. Don’t interfere. Dear Old Dad won’t show up unless he’s ready to bury the hatchet. If he thinks the invitation means Scott forgives him, he’s right. And darling, if Scott can forgive, you should follow suit. You know what they say: “To Err Is Human; Auntie’s Nephews C0pyright1995 Are Di‘/inen_ >l<***=l= Dear Auntie Pearl: I can’t believe I’m actually writing this, but I’m at my wits’ end. My lover “Kathy” has a screwed—up friendship with her ex, “Dawn”, and I don’t know what to do about it. They were together for 6 years, and their breakup was mutual. Dawn is still single. When Kathy and I got together 2 years ago, I liked that she got along so well with her ex. I thought it showed that she was caring and that she Now all ofa sudden Scott wants to didn7t hold grudges. invite his father to our wedding! As far as I’m concerned, this guy is just some son of a bitch who hurt Scott terribly. If we send him an invitation it will be as if we forgive him. I don’t want him disrupting our wedding. Even if he doesn’t do anything, I’ll be so angry that I won’t be able to enjoy my own wedding. But now I’ve had it. Anytime any crisis happens to Dawn, Kathy runs to help her. (A car wreck, the flu, fights with her mother, messed—up taxes, to name a few.) I know these are all hard things, but I’m tired of late night phone calls and Kathy running out of the house. Right now she’s over there, on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, because she always balances Dawn’s checkbook, and this is the only time Dawn could do I don’t think it’s unreasonable to try to protect Scott and keep our day sacred. Scott says it’sjust one day, but it’s Out in the Mountains VERMONT'S NEWSPAPER FOR LESBIANS, GAY MEN, AND BISEXUALS III By subscribing now to OITM, not only will you guarantee e ivery to your :mailbox (in a discreet envelope, of course), but you will also help under- :write the rising costs of publishing the newspaper. We also welcome any - additional contributions you can make to support our continuing existence. I Checks should be made payable to OITM and sent, along with this form, to: E OITM, P.O. Box 177, Burlington, Vermont 05402-0177. : Name E Address : City I ----5 -—--—- State Zip III E] One-year ($20) Cl Low-income ($10) El Sponsor ($______ Sponsors are especially welcome from those who prefer to pick up OITM at one of the paper's distribution points rather than be added to the mailing list. : Cl Please also let us know if you'd like to get involved in the newspaper. 03/95 13 February 1995 it. This is the first day off we’ve had in common in two weeks, and she’s at Dawn’s! Am I being selfish? I don’t think so! But what can I do? I even like Dawn, but she’s not Kathy’s lover anymore! What do I have to do? Get the flu to get some attention around here? Please answer soon! Thanks. —— The Other Woman??? Dear Other Woman: Who died and made you Queen of the Spineless? Readers, help your Auntie on this one, but doesn’t checkbook balancing stretch the definition of crisis a smidge? What you’ve got on your hands is a lover who hasn’t ended her last relationship. Kathy never figured out this mother-daughter thing with Dawn, and now it’s doing damage to your relationship. It’s one. thing to help out an ex in need. It’s another to repeatedly put her ahead of a current lover. Take a stand, or nothing will change. Tell Kathy to either sort her old baggage, or you’ll gladly pack it for her and put it on the curb. V OUTSPOKEN: OITM’s Quote of the Month “Your readers should understand that diverse sexual practices are also common around these parts. In many cases early homosexual experimentation and bestiality are just a prelude to eventually marrying your cousin.” Jim Wayland of Knoxville, Tennessee, a reader of The Advocate, in a letter to the editor Vermont Gay Social Alternatives Founded 1990 For membership information write: VGSA, P.O. Box 237, Burlington, VT 05402-0237 or call Cliff 985-4937, Bob 865-3734