February 1995 llukes lo lllatch flu! For By Alison Bechdel we NAFTA FINALIIE THAT ‘ Tuwc; TQNIGHT. Tononnows 3' ._ . ‘ ..-as 3..- ...1’ueu AFTER AM uromc Fxom 7 ’fl1E FUNDMSING COMMITTEE, L015 15 GCMIA READTHE DKAPF onus FACT sues: ue’LL 8: PASSING OUTATTHE Acnon. ... _ LAw mm AND I Don|'T xuow wake me 1.’ cm: SCAM I snout) REALLY BE GETTING To NORK I Iusr HAFTA RUN 5on:— ’ THING or: on 1112 con- PUTEK QUICK. I'LL own’ as A sscoub. Go on, . However, withinl’the'pages . of the newspaper, artieles may ap- .pear anonymously» upon. request, ' V a:n'di ::Strict:= confidentiality‘ "be * vsobs¢rvea;t:.,;. x—_ . ty 1 ‘ . . positive .fe‘ei4» . omcop. L:s1eN,D:nzuz:...m VAI1‘.’I'M AL- , , , . V H ‘R.‘3P°.rV's“he‘:¢ f°r‘ REALLY SORRY, Ewr rcM‘1. 1: /4051 oomzlrn . eadlz e,:fo,r~$ub_1n1_t o|rr'rA usury » is thél uxe THAT? .$§»)*9 --J 1‘ Walter I. Zeichner, MA, NCC, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Psychotherapy ~ Individual ~ Group ~ Couples BodyWork~ Massage Therapy ~ Energywork Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Positive ~ Gender Issues Educational Consulting ~ Workshops & Trainings Wellness Consultation _ 269 Pearl St., Burlington, VT 05401 81 Church St., Burlington, VT (802) 863_0413 802-862-4332 1-800-NEW BOOK We are proud to carry the area’s largest selection of gay, lesbian, and bisexual books and magazines. ll