January 1995 horrendous things being said Walking out of the Statehouse, having them mutter 1992). We passed the bill in six weeks from start to finish which was amazing give you a scenario low point. (I) sat there and listened to person after person and . I can’t give a specific (low point), I can Cherie Tartt (second from left) -- Drag Queen and host of the Conference’s Lunchtime Fashion Show, Burlington “The idea (of the Conference) is great. I think it’s fantastic I think it’s really amazing that you get all these people from all over the state here Trying to set aside a day like this to connect and network with the rest of the state is very important to the community. I hope these day long conferences are like a booster shot for the various organizations hearing after hearing around the state, to get people revitalized, more people interested. “(The most important aspect of the Conference is) looking for a boyfriend. I’m still single and there are hundreds of people from all over the state, and hopefully one of them is looking for a girlfriend. And fashion is very important. If I don’t look good, I don’t go out. When I was involved in various organizations, if they didn’t have a good T-shirt, I didn’tjoin them.” V .l 1040 u.s. lnd‘lv-liiuul Incom-7';§‘n':{iTm llama on .5. at .. Filing St: 0 Professional Service INDEPENDENT TAX SERVICE, INC. "i" 0 Reasonable Rates Exemption “ Individual, Business, Partnership and L‘ Corporate Returns. Conveniently located in Burlington and Hinesburg. 863-2271 Our float: is making complex IRS rules understandable. Conveniently located in Burlington and Hinesburg. Electronic FilingAwzilable. '1'" ""7"=5"'. I .. l l9 having these offlirectors M..,I‘Iur1iie.i ti /4c:€ Wow cum! 5cwe./ INDEPENDENT TAX SERVICE 0% If you call 863-2271 by February 15 to schedule an appointment ‘faggot’ and stuff under their breath made me angry enough that I was back there at 9:00 the next morning saying, ‘You’re not gonna get rid of me. You can stomp on me. You can sort of kick me around. But I’m not going away I’m going to be in you face. I’m going to be your worst nightmare. I’m going to be a queer with access to the political process.” C,o.—.Chaiirsi. . .. .. .i"i‘I‘?5b;”.‘;g) R‘ hristopher Wesolowski (Newfa"nj_e)., . OFF OUR FEE