Out in the Mountains Celebrating Queer Free Your Mind... Continued from page1 MIDDLEBURY -- During the actual hour-long Queer Town Meeting, Conference—goers had an opportunity to come up to the microphone and speak their minds. Here’s a sampler... claim to ethical leadership. She also suggested we View those in the closet as “spies for the queer nation”. Harper concluded that gay men, lesbians, queens and cross dressers will “have the last laugh on homophobia”. - We are clearly in need of developing an infrastructure. Until we have one that is solidly in place, we’ll always be flying by the seat of our pants and relying on the efforts of a few very dedicated people Perhaps we can start figuring out how to tap into the ways we gather rather than imposing structures That’s what the Right has done, and we need to figure out how we can do it effectively and not think that whenever someone uses the word ‘political’ that it’s bad. Over 30 educational and planning workshops were held throughout the day. Workshop topics included Gay and Lesbian History, Fighting the Right, Racism, Bisexuality, Gay Men’s Health, Coming Out, Intemalized Homophobia, Wills and Legal Documents, Homosexuality and Religion, and Domestic Partner Benefits. The town meeting portion of the day provided an opportunity for participants to discuss a variety of issues. Topics raised during the forum included the inclusion of bisexual and transgender Vemronters in VCLGR’s name, the results of the recent state and national elections, “Chittenocentrism” - the belief that the majority of g/l/b events occur in Chittenden County, “Chittenophobia” — the irrational fear of Chittenden County, use of the word “queer” in the Conference’s title, and the importance of developing Vennont’s g/l/b infrastructure. 0 I realized as I looked at this name ‘Lesbian and Gay Rights’, it was missing something. Or at least in my opinion it’s missing something. There are other people who should be a part of our community — and that’s the bisexual community Are people here interested? Is this Coalition interested in expanding? You want more numbers? You want more people? Do you want to expand your horizons and add bisexuality — the people who belong here with us? The ongoing success of the VCLGR ' Hike (the telm) ‘QUCCF T0WT1_ Conferences indicates a need for members Meeting’ bficallse W5 Very quick and of Vennont’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and e35_Y:_ and there’? 3 Sense of transgender commumty to eeme together polrtrcalness to it. There’s'also a sense as a group to network’ energize, learn, See of ‘yeah, damn it, we’re different!’ old friends, and make new ones. After this I don’t know Why We don,‘ h3V€ the year’s Conference, Town Meeting Day in W0FdS ’biS€XUal’, ‘transgender’: and Velmem will never be quite the Same ‘transsexual’ (in the name). I think that’s one of the problems of this whole thing. It’s like ‘How many letters do you get to put on a banner?’ But it’s pretty poor criteria to define a movement. Be sure to catch the rest of 0ITM’s extensive coverage of the Conference in this issue. V - I would like to suggest we think of sexual liberty as a concept. In the libertarian tradition, you should be free to do whatever you want with someone else as long as they are consenting, and we’re responsible, and it doesn’t hurt them in any permanent way. So sexual liberty is a concept I embrace and it kind of gets all of us under one umbrella. Even though I’d love to see bisexual up there (on the banner), I feel like this is my community, this is my organization. Regardless of the title, this is where I belong. And I hope other bisexuals and transgenders feel that way whether or not they see themselves in the title ...Yes, this is a coalition and we have differences all sorts of people who might not nonnally come together except that we need to come together. I’m just an eighteen year old boy who is kind of lost in the system, I guess. It’s definitely reassuring to see so many people, so many faces out for the same cause. I encourage all of you to keep doing it because we are definitely succeeding. I want to encourage us as we get older, and hopefully feel better about ourselves, not to forget a group that doesn’t have a voice yet We need the adults not to forget about the kids I’m on the Board of Outright Vennont (and) we had a call last week from an eleven year old girl who identifies as different and is totally alone. I’m a teacher at a high school and I would like to encourage everyone here to become involved with your local town politics, your school board because one way in which the ‘other’ people move is to get on school boards, to pass policies on books, on teachers, on curriculum. Quite Simply. . . 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