January 1994 By Alison Bechdel JLJRE,’ Dukes To lllatch flut for K RIGH1....0kAy....wELL lIS1EN,I'r\ PEMLY GLAD EXCUSE ms. I'M LOOKING mt roux MM MADE irvnmucu ‘THE moeay ALL is can or ‘MA’! new aoox. NE W51 G07 A . . . . . RIGHT. mus IN ‘man: , IE2. ANDruTALK'ro '51:/we: :rusnce:1HEseLL— sumsum-mismw . Z ’ . ’ . )bU ToMoRRow....YE$.1He5rme IS FINE. we oF OARENCE THOMAS." . W ' I» . ~ . ’ y , ‘ we 601 Eveizymwe uuoex a ,,_ . y y - V. ; » _ p ’ 9 wowow, eye. a _. . - - ‘~- ~ ' port i_“rand- W -the . .. -. .. - A 3 l = ._1rM--ma: ehicl;e= V ands 3;. ,_,,- ‘J I " \ / J,“ c I I - ; '2 ‘ — , -" at 1'?‘- C)/ By ALUOM BEUIDE L 1/ $2.; . _ , tliegpaper-doznot nec- g es ajriiy* repi'esei”it.’r’:tliiose of. the A This paper. fcanno_t and will Al 7 eudorseah_y“candidates and ac; WERE wamue RJR ms RIGHT one! oF1HE wAcKo ONE BYSEN- TOR DAMFoR1H I %% ons‘ of public.0l‘f§:ials on issues ‘of. ‘ ' portance to; lesbians,» gay men, tlbisexualsfp V. — ; 5“ V .. : ‘Alli ’m.aterials_‘ sulimitted ‘must he signed. However, within the pages -of the neWspaper.,~.arfi¢les:‘mayV‘ ap-' ._pear;_anonymously,‘ upon request, ‘ ‘4 arid; strict 7 —confidentia_Iity _be .;,<>l2se vedg MAN,THl) BKEPGTCANCER y51ll.IlDTllS5CARI_- 'g)l’I_NG REALLY HASME FKEAKFD FSTTHNG IS.1'H9'EJ LISTEN, iryou'v£ eofyooe I-WM fiui-like, I’/4 5lK£I(M6£f A cow or THA1_8a)K OVEkAT11l£ euws Mo iloome $w£Rs‘ro'?E. ._ V a. :5 ‘ ‘4. I KADIJS swore wuo mes. /arfiiimsry Fm LIKE mic. ‘ cnwoma wuss. Q‘ Walter I. Zeichner, MA, NCC, 3P€Clal Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor ord rs welcgme Psychotherapy ~ Individual ~ Group ~ Couples BodyWork~ Massage Therapy ~ EiiergyWork » N Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Positive ~ Gender Issues we are proud.to cafrry the are.a S Educational Consulting~Workshops & Trainings largest selection 0 gay, lesbian, Weuness Consultation and bisexual books and magazines. _ 269 P I St. B 1' t VT 05401 81 Church St., Burlington, VT (802) ;:g_04i3 ur mg On’ 802-862-4332 1-800-NEW BOOK 11