17-18 WOMEN OF THE WOODS -- Mes- siah Trek to NYC. Anyone interested in a carpool to New York, do the Messiah at Rockerfeller Center, dine in the Vil- lage, and stay overnight? Call (802) 229-0109 to get contact phone number. 18 P-FLAG CENTRAL VERMONT -- Monthly meeting including support, ed- ucation, and advocacy. 1:00 pm, second floor chapel, Unitarian Church, 134 Main Street, Montpelier. Call Jan at (802) 479-9246. 21 PFLAG BRATTLEBORO -- Monthly meeting, 7:00 pm, Lutheran Church, Brattleboro. Call Jean at (802) 257- 5409. 31 VERMONT GAY SOCIAL AL- TERNATIVES -- “Bewitched, Be- dazzled, Be Wild!” New Year’s Eve—nt. Two packages available! Sheraton Bur- lington, 7:00 pm to 2:00 am. Call Mike Hayes at (802) 860-7129. BRATTLEBORO AREA GAYS AND LESBIANS (BAGAL) -- New Year’s Eve Dance, West Village Meeting House, Brattleboro. (802) 254-5947. AMELIA EARHART -- First Annual Un-Crystal Lake New Year’s Eve Black and White Party. Call (603) 632-5690. January 2 OITM -- Submission deadline for all materials (advertisements, articles, let- ters, classifieds, etc.) to be printed in the A Tax 5 Accounting Services Weekly Happenings CHAMPLAIN COLLEGE GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL SUPPORT GROUP -- Meets every Monday, 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Student Resource Cen- ter, first floor of the Hauke Family Cam- pus Center. Call" Becky Peterson at (802) 658-0800, ext. 2605. FRIENDS VERMONT -- Healing Cir- cle, Wednesdays from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the Professional Nurses Service, 294 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Meditation, song, and guided visual- ization exercises offered. Donations ac- cepted. Call (802) 865-4608. GAY/LESBIAN ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS -- Meets Thursdays at 7:00 pm, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Cherry St., Burlington. GODDARD COLLEGE GAY, LES- BIAN, BISEXUAL ALLIANCE -- Meets every Sunday at 7:00 pm with a weekly film series following at 9:00 pm. Call Jennifer at (802) 454-8311, ext. 225. HUNTINGTON OPEN WOMEN’S LAND (HOWL) -- Meets Sundays, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, beginning with a potluck brunch. Call (802) 864-5595. MCC IN THE MOUNTAINS -- In- clusive church with special ministry to the lesbian, gay, and bisexual com- munity. Worship services Sundays, 1:00 pm, Christ Church, Dartmouth College Chapel, Level 3. Call (802) 298-5451. OUTRIGHT VERMONT -- Meets Fri- days, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Burlington. GLB youth (under 23) welcome to at- tend. Call (802) 865-9677. V /hl\JiJ9\ JL 1. Julie M. Miller (lertified Public Accozmlzml 45 Collins Mtn. Road Richmond. Vcmxont 05477 802-434-5004 December 1994 Pride Day Date Set The Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Pride Committee is now planning 1995's Pride Day. It will be in Burlington on Saturday, June 3, 1995. The theme is “Queers and Friends Fight The Right”. Many details and local fundraising efforts are still in the planning stages, so there is plenty of room for more committee members. If you would like to help produce 1995’s Pride Day, please call Jen at (802) 865-0440 or Peter at (802) 878-1123. Silver Palace Cuisine of China Rated 5 ***** by The Valley Voice 1216 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 864-0125 MEMBER SM Prudential Referral Services INTERNATIONAL NETWORK Christy Wardwell REALTOR Res. (802) 655-7034 Voice Mail (302) 864-1905 ext. 32 (802) 864-0541 FAX (802) 864-1910 05/95 360 Main Street, Burlington. Vermont 05401 03/94