December 1994 While only providing coverage for employees of the state of Vermont and their domestic partners, it can still be considered "a progressive, responsive step forward to universal coverage for everyone," said state union director Thomas Whitney. 3. Number three consists of a whole rnishmash of political fodder. In a mid-teim election year where the Republicans (here we go again with the editorial time line problem) either sought or really did gain control of Montpelier’s Savoy, home of the Lesbian, Gay and Bi Film Festival back in October C.OngreS.S’. ‘.""“,“°“.“°'“ were presented with politician s views that appeared somewhat hypocritical of views held obviously should not make this list modern gay rights movement. This only days previous to their and the other one will not have arrived year, the festivities included a announeement of eandidaev The until after this article has been Pre-march Rally on the front lawn of promises of 'vote for me and I'll do submitted for publication. The dates the Unitarian Universalist Church, a sueh_and_sueh for you‘ grew to be refer to the Vermont Coalition for March through downtown Burlington, almost unhearahle this year Nothing Lesbian and Gay Rights Conferences. a Post—march rally in Battery Park, more than a mere mention of the topie Creating Change/Creating and an outdoor dance party courtesy or person is more than needs to be said Community was the theme for 1993's of the bar formerly known as Pearl's. to eoniure up a lengthy and heated conference and A QueerTown The Burlington Free Press reported eonversation some of the hot buttons Meeting was the theme for 1994's. that 1,500 people took part in Pride this past year ineluded; ENDA, the Over 300 people turned out for the Day, surpassing last year's count of Employment Non_Disen'mination Aet; first annual conference at Vermont 950. sen James Jeffords; Jeffords v_ Technical C0llege in R3T1d0lPh last Backus; Sanders v. Carroll; domestic year where the day—long events "Effective August 1, 1994, medical partnership benefits; and the Vermont included keynote speaker Paula and dental benefits coverage for Human Rights Commission Ettlebrick, workshops on a myriad of dependents of state employees shall topics, lunch, and vendors exhibiting be extended to domestic partners and 2_ Gay pop eulture proliferates here in their gay/lesbian/bisexual wares. The the children of domestic partners..." Verrnont_ perhaps l994 was an 1994 conference was held at These words begin the letter from the aberration, hut it felt as though the Middlebury College. You will have Vermont Department of Personnel gay/lesbian/bisexual eommunitv in to read the January issue to find out that makes Vermont the first state in Vermont vvas showered with more what exciting events took place at the the nation to extend health care than its fair share of eultural events. second annual conference. Stay benefits to the domestic partners of its Here's another list within a list_ Films tuned... employees. Vermont has once again and film festivals; Lesbian, Gay and take“ the national lead in TeC08“iZing Bi Film Festival at the Savoy Theater 5. On June 4th, the Vermont Gay, what defines a family in the socially in Montpelier; Vermont lntemational Lesbian, and Bisexual community aware '90s. "This really shows that the Film Festival in Burlington; Go Fish, celebrated its eleventh annual Piide work we started doing to ensure that The Adventures of priseilla, Queen of Day. Dubbed "Stonewall 25 ", this all Vermonters have access to truly the Desert’ and Threesome (sort of). year's Pride Day celebrated the 25th equal rights is working," said Keith Concerts; Melissa Etheridge (twice); anniversary of the Stonewall Goslant, former VCLGR Co-Liaison Cheryl wheeler; Romanovsky and Rebellion, noted as the start of the to the Governor. Continued on page 18. Women’s Issues B LAC KWOO D A N D Eileen M. Blackwood Pamela Kraynak MARK RUBIN, LICSW m Psychotherapy - Employment law 84 Pine Street 0 Education law p_O_ BOX 375 Mansfield Psychotherapy Associates 177 Battery Street Burlington, VT 05401 - Wills, Relationship Contracts - Commercial & Residential Real Estate - Small Business Burlington, VT 05402 (802) 863-9079 (802) 863-2517