11:00am, Dana Auditorium, Middlebury College, Middlebury. Call.Leroy Nesbitt at (802) 388-3711, ext. 3166, or Student Activities at (802) 388-3711, ext. 3100. RAINBOW FESTIVAL: EXPRES- SIONS OF GAY AND LESBIAN LIVES -- ”Normal Homosexual Develop- ment in a Homophobic Society”. Keynote Address, Dr. Marshall Forstein, Middle- bury ‘71. Forstein is Staff Psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School Outpatient Psy- chiatric Center, Cambridge, MA. 4:30pm, Dana Auditorium, Middlebury College, Middlebury. Call Leroy Nesbitt at (802) 388-3711, ext. 3166, or Student Activities at(802) 388-3711, ext. 3100. RAINBOW FESTIVAL: EXPRES- SIONS OF GAY AND LESBIAN LIVES -- Movie, Go Fish, at 7:00pm and 9:30pm, with remarks by Director Rose Troche at 8:30. The film was this year’s big hit at the Sundance Film Festival and has been called a romantic comedy about young, post ACT-UP dykes. Dana Au- ditorium, Middlebury College, Middle- bury. For info, call Leroy Nesbitt at (802) 388-3711, ext. 3166, or Student Activities at (802) 388-3711, ext. 3100. 12 VERMONT COALITION FOR LES- BIAN AND GAY RIGHTS (V CLGR) -- “2nd Annual Statewide Conference: A Queer Town Meeting”, including work- shops, networking sessions, and keynote speaker and columnist Jorjet Harper. 9:00am to 6:00pm, Middlebury College, Middlebury. Call (802) 889-9413, (802) 728-4121, or (802) 223-8962. 13 RAINBOW FESTIVAL: EXPRES- SIONS OF GAY AND LESBIAN LIVES -- Kim Crawford Harvie, Mid- dlebury ‘79 and Senior Minister at the Ar- lington Street Unitarian Universalist Church in Boston. She received a Mid- dlebury Alumni Achievement Award and a First Decade Award from Harvard Di- vinity School in 1992. 11:00am, Chap- el, Middlebury College, Middlebury. For info, call Leroy Nesbitt at (802) 388- 3711, ext. 3166, or Student Activities at (802) 388-3711, ext. 3100. 16 PFLAG BRATTLEBORO -- Monthly meeting, 7:00pm, Lutheran Church, Brat- tleboro. Call Jean at (802) 257-5409. 17 WOMEN OF THE WOODS -- Make 1 your reservation for Thanksgiving, call (802)485-8588. 19 MONADNOCK AREA WOMYN -- Lambda Dance, Pat’s Peak, Henniker, NH. For info, call (603) 746-3339. NH NOW STATE CONFERENCE -- University of New Hampshire at Man- chester campus. Call (603)749-8900. 20 P-FLAG CENTRAL VERMONT -- Monthly meeting including support, ed- ucation, and advocacy. 1:00pm, second floor chapel, Unitarian Church, 134 Main Street, Montpelier. For info, call Ian at (802) 479-9246. 21 OITM -- Submission deadline for all materials (advertisements, articles, let- ters, classifieds, etc.) to be printed in the January 1995 issue. November 1994 24 WOMEN OF THE WOODS -- Thanks- giving Day Dinner in Northfield. Dine with your alternative family. Please call by November 17th to make your reserva- tion and discuss your contribution to the feast. Turkey will be provided as well as a festive vegetarian entree. For info, call (802) 485-8588. 26 OITM -- Envelope stuffing for De- cember 1994 issue. 10:00am, 109 South Winooski Avenue, Burlington. All those wanting to get involved with the paper are strongly encouraged to attend. For info, call Fred at (802) 655-5638. V reative Design, Training and Support Services_ for the Mac and PC «r an an -I . :9 ,0 Q, I «.3