Do you want to be a part of the solution? Make a difference in HIV prevention in Vermont, your community, your family and your life. The Vermont Department of Health AIDS Program wants to hear your voice as we plan cutting edge prevention programs throughout the state. % If you're interested and want to work with us throughout the coming year, we need gay, lesbian, and bisexual voices to actively participate in this process. Call the AIDS Program at 1-800-244-7639 for more information an an application for the Vermont HIV Prevention Community Planning Group. We are Making a difference. ' How to Make Consumer Participation Work: Learning from Massachusetts. William Lottero from Massachusetts Department ofPublic Health AIDS Program is coming to Vermont to present information about how Massachusetts has been successful in their efforts to increaseconsumer participation in HIV/AIDS services throughout the state. He will speak from his personal experience as director of the Consumer Advisory Board systemand as a person living with HIV. November 17, 1994 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Randolph, Vermont Gifford Hospital conference room Contact the Vermont Department of Health, AIDS Program for further information 863-7245 or 1-800-244-7639. * Scholarships/Honorariums available for people living with HIV/AIDS.