OITM Roundup: Continued from page 5 National Scrabble Players Association, based in Greenport, NY, had heard more complaints about the “offensive” words from parents and ministers than from gays, said Williams. (Apex) Whoopi, Maupin Join in Fighting Radical Right WASHINGTON, DC -- Some 110 notable figures and groups from the political, entertainment, religious and other fields have lent their names and support in the coalition effort to fight the Radical Right’s campaign against lesbians, gays and bisexuals. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) Equality Statement Endorsement Project has asked major political organizations, civil rights groups, unions, elected officials, government bodies and others to sign onto a statement supporting fundamental equal rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. The statement condemns Radical Right—sponsored anti—gay ballot initiatives. “We support equality for all Americans,” reads the statement. “Every American’s right to be free from discrimination in jobs, housing, and public accommodations must be defended and protected. No person’s fundamental civil rights should be denied by a ballot initiative or any other means.” The Endorsement Project has garnered the support of Hollywood and entertainment celebrities Whoopi Goldberg, Armistead Maupin, Nora Ephron, and John Landis; political leaders in the U.S. Congress, including Senators Paul Simon and John Chafee and Reps. Patricia Schroeder, Barney Frank and Gerry Studds; elected officials from Austin, TX; Broward County, FL; San Francisco and Los Angeles; Seattle and New York; the AFL—CIO, AFSCME, United Auto Workers and other unions; American Library Association, National Lawyers Guild, PEN and numerous additional November 1994 professional associations; Southern Christian Leadership Conference and a host of other religious affiliations; plus dozens of advocacy groups, business and governmental organizations. “It’s important to have heavy—hitters from the political, entertainment, business, religious and other communities sign on as part of our struggle to defeat the Far Right,” said NGLTF Fight the Right organizer Sue Hyde. “This battle affects all of us working toward a justice-seeking society.” The NGLTF Fight the Right Project was formed in the wake of the 1992 Republican National Convention, which featured prime—time Radical Right attacks on the gay and lesbian community. Since then, the project has provided direct campaign assistance to communities battling anti-gay initiatives and is helping build a strong grassroots gay and lesbian movement for long—term change. V AIDS HOTLINES: Vermont New Hampshire New York State 1-800-882-2437 1-800-752-2437 1-800-541-2437 Massachusetts 1-617-522-4090 Maine 1-800-851-2437 National 1-800-342-2437 Canadian 1-613-563-2437 AIDS Community Awareness Project (ACAP) PO Box 608 St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 (802) 748-1 149 AIDS Community Resource Network (ACORN) PO Box 2057 Lebanon, NH 03766 (603) 448-2220 Bennington Area AIDS Project PO Box 1066 Bennington, VT 05201 (802)442-4481 or 1-800-845-2437 Health Resource Organizations Brattleboro AIDS Project PO Box 1486 Brattleboro, VT 05302 (802) 254-4444 (Helpline) (802) 254-8263 (Office) Franklin-Grand Isle AIDS Task Force P. O. Box 241, St. Albans, VT 05478 (800) 524-7742 - (802) 638-7834 Friends Vermont Emotional, Spiritual, & Psychological Support PO Box 402 Bristol, VT 05443 1 800 639-3316 Gay/Lesbian Alcoholics Anonymous GLAA, P.O. Box 5653 Burlington, VT 05402 Lesbian Cancer Support Group (802) 660-8386 North Star (Holistic Health Care) RR2 Box 3255 Morrisville, VT 05661 ' (802) 888-2858 Vermont AIDS Council PO Box 275 Montpelier VT 05601 - (802) 229-2557 Vermont C.A.R.E.S. (Committee for AIDS Resources, Education, and Services) PO Box 5248 12 North Street Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 863-2437 (Burlington) 1-800-649-2437 (Outside Burlington Area) Vermont Department of Health 1-800-882-2437 (AIDS Hotline) or (802) 863-7245 (AIDS Program office) VT PWA Coalition PO Box 1055 0 Brattleboro, VT 05302 1-800-698-8792 or (802) 222-5123 Vermont Women’s Health Center 336 North Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 0 (802) 863-1386