Q u i Rutland Lions Club Channel 15 Rutland Moose.Club Rutland Herald _ Maple Leaf Quilters Cams Reels Continued from page 1 Crossroads Arts Council gkakei Forest Management Vermont CARES cvps impact of AIDS to light in our com- Rutland Region Chamber of Commerce Graebei Movers munity," says Ostrom. She also noted that Rutland is fortunate to have this op- Rutland Regional Medical Center Murray Communications V October 1994 portunity since the Quilt is rarely displayed in smaller, rural communities. The Power of Thread Host Committee is looking for a minimum of twenty vol- unteers to set up and break down the pan- els and a minimum of one hundred and fif- ty volunteers to be Quilt Monitors. As a monitor, people will be safeguarding both the Quilt and its visitors. Monitors must understand their responsibilities by at- tending a training meeting on either Oc- tober 7th, from 14 or October 15th from 9—noon. Further information on training will be sent to anyone who registers.. In ad- Che in Concert 8 p.m. Friday, October 14th Unitarian Church, Burlington Benefit for the Peace & Justice Center dition, if enough volunteers can be found, the names of people who have died from "For all that HIV/AIDS will be read aloud as the Quilt Wheelerls music is is Viewed" introspective and To volunteer, contact Karen Ostrom at the tender; her stage Chaffee Art Center at 775~O356. People are presence is often also working on new panels that ‘will per— Sarcastic, cynical manently added to the Quilt as it continues and Cutting to the on from Rutland. If you would like to . t f hfl . ,, create a panel or help others working on pom 0 _ panels, contact Peggy Bahnson at 773-4143. Boston Phoemx ryl Wheeler Sponsoring the AIDS Memorial Quilt in Rutland are: sliding Scale , General Admission Major Sponsors: Chaffee Art Center _ Rutland Area Visiting Nurses Avallable at Vennont Community Foundation the Peace & Tickets $14-$17 Participating Sponsors to date: . Rutland Free Public Library Iustlce Store Rutland Area Cultural Alliance 21 Church Street NYNEX Rutland South Rotary Information Rutland City Rotary _ Rutland Emplem Club 863 8326 David W. Curtis MICHAEL GIGANTE, PH.D. ATTORNEY AT LAW Psychosynthesis Counseling & Therapy 15 Myrtle St., Brattleboro, VT 05301 04/94 (802) 254 -8032 100 Main Street P.O. Box 247 Burlington, VT 05402-0247 HOFF, CURTIS, PACHT, CASSIDY & FRAME, P.C. 802-864-4531