Out in the Mountains Coalition Notes: Anticipating A Queer Town Meeting on November 12th Continued from page 1 Workshop topics tentatively planned for the day include: Health Care Docu- ments, Lesbian Sexuality, Fighting the Right, Domestic Partnership in the Workplace, Adoption Reform, Spir- ituality, Lesbian/Gay History in Ver- mont, “Single in the Sticks", Bi- sexuality, Gay Parenting, Transgender Issues, Gay Sexuality, Legal Issues / \ Forconfidenfial AIDS Information Call 1-800-882-AIDS K J SUSAN M. MURRAY 05753 BURLINGTON OFFICE: 275 COLLEGE STREET BURLINGTON. VERMONT 05402 802-664-0217 (What Are Our Rights?), Aging, Lesbian Health Issues, Abusive Relationships, and Youth Issues. Conference par- ticipants are also invited to join Middle- bury College Gay and Lesbian Studies students for a dance later Saturday night. Chicago writer and confirmed les- bomaniac, Jorjet Harper, will be a fea- tured keynote speaker. Jorjet has pub- lished over 400 articles, interviews, commentaries, and reviews in over 30 na- tional publications. She has been arts and entertainment editor for one of Chi- cago’s newspapers serving the gay and lesbian community, Outlines, where she currently writes her monthly “Les- bomania” column, a hilarious and in- sightful look at lesbian and gay life in the ‘90’s. She is also the author of Les- \lL.\Iul:k - Prudential Fieferral_,_S_e_rv_ige 8 SN‘ ? 41' l\lll<\-\'I1l)\,\-1xiiuuk. Christy Fastiggi REALTOR Res. (802)655-7034 Voice Mail (802) 884-1905 ext. 32 (802) 864-0541 FAX (302) 864-1910 360 Main Street, Burlington. Vermont 05401 bomania, a collection of her columns, re- cently published by Vermont’s own New Victoria Publishers. In addition to giving a keynote speech, Jorjet will present “Lesbomania: An Evening of Matriarchal Mayhem”, a reading/slide show fea- turing some of her best columns ac- companied by humorous music and art- work. The Coalition welcomes and encourages folks interested in volunteering to help with aspects of Conference planning as well as tasks on the day of the Confer- ence. To insure a great turnout, the Co- alition needs help in getting the word of the Conference out to your lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender friends and neighbors throughout the state. Busi- nesses and organizations are also en- couraged to advertise in the Conference Program Booklet which will feature lots of helpful information and community resources in addition to Conference de- tails. For registration information or to vol- unteer, call Dudley at (802) 889-9413, Susan Aranoff at (802) 728-4121, or Laurie Labarthe at (802) 223-8962. If you can help with publicity and com- munity outreach, call Mary Hurlie at (802) 482-3927. If you are interested in advertising in the Conference Program Booklet, contact Dudley. V Give a subscription to Out In The Mountains as a gift! LANGROCK SPERRY & WOOL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 15 SOUTH PLEASANT STREET MIDDLEBURY, VERMONT AREA CODE: B02 TELEPHONE: 388-6356 HOME PHONE: 377-3165 FAX #: 338-6149 W01‘/lEN’c93?CHOlCE GYNECOLOGIC ASSOCIATES 23 Mansfield Avenue, Burlington, Vermont 05401 802-863-9001 Fax:802-863-4951 Cheryl A. Gibson MD. Susan F. Smith M.D. 10