need to go to court, deciding whether it believes unlawful discriminationoccurred, and bringing lawsuits when it believes the law has been violated. Fact #5: A sampling of charges where the H.R.C. believed discrimination occurred: - an African-American family racially harassed by a neighbor; . "- child with leukemia refused admission to ballet school; , V V - female employee suffered sexual harassment and employer failed to" respond; - bi-racial couple discouraged from attending a dance because the man was African-American; ' ‘ i 2 u " - deaf driver denied car insurance; . t . ‘ - woman denied an apartment because she came from a battered women’s shelter; - person not hired because of age; ‘ ' if - youth soccer league which excluded girls; . 6- school failed to take .appropriate action to stop racial harassment of a child; ~ - gay men denied lodging at a B&B; * ‘ g 8 V _ 2 - landlords and "mobile home park owners refused rental to families with minor children. / A 0 « ‘F ' Fact #6: The H.R.C. helped pass civil rights legislation-in Vermontincluding: the» 5 Hate Crimes Act; the 1992 Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination onthe . _basis of sexual orientation; revisions to the Fair Housing law to comply with federal law; expansion of the Public Accommodations Actto include strong’ 9 provisions from the federal Americans With Disabilities Act; the Sexual 4 Harassment-in the Workplace Act; and the Harassment in Education/A_ct. . ; Fact #7:- The H.R.C. serves as an important civil rights resource forpeople who need information and referrals. The H.R.C.. provides support and education to . community‘ organizations focusing on issues affecting people of cfolor,‘.peoplewith disabflities, members of the gay and lesbiancommunity, women’s groups, Native Americans, and refugee/immigrant groups.‘ . ' Fact #8Ir.ThQi members of the Legislative Committee on Civil Enforcement . studying the operation of the H.R.C."are: * o _ W Sen. Matt Krauss (R. Washington - Ph: 4769-2286) r A ' Sen. Jeb Spaulding (D. Washington .\_.- Ph: 223-7504) Sen. Susan Sweetser (R. Chittenden - Ph: 879-4838) _ Rep. Sandra Baird (D. Burlington - Ph: 862-2001) ‘ ' ‘ . Rep. Bill Lippert=(D. Hinesburg -~ Ph: 388-6751) 8 8 Rep. Ed Paquin (D. Fairfax - Ph: 849-6535) v . To Support the Human Ftirpgrhits icofimmissionz ; * come testify on October 26th,), OR call your,legis|ators.