Out in the Mountains Classifieds Continued from page 21 Radical Faerie Gathering in central Vermont with faeries of N.E. and eastern Canada. Turkey-free. Curious? Call Destiny Lodge (802) 485-6668. Rural Culture Gays and lesbians interested in nature, gardening, country living, support and networking. monthly meetings. Please write to PO Box 72, East St. Johnsbury, VT 05838. Southern Vermont any men wanting to practice the teachings of Joseph Kramer call Win at (802) 875-3770. Vermont Youth AIDS Group Starting an AIDS group for people under 30; a youth group and contact line. I'm a 22 year old person living with AIDS Write James Coburn, PO Box 46, W. Newbury, VT 05085 RELIGION American Baptists Concerned (about lesbian, gay, and bisexual rights) New England Chapter meets monthly. Contact Ms. Jo Bower at (617) 625-3121. among us an organization to help members of the gay-lesbian—bisexual community and their family and friends. Call Dan 862-7034. Dignity/Vermont. Providing gays, lesbians and bisexuals and friends and families with social support and counseling resources. Leave a message at 863-1377 or write to DignityNermont, PO Box 782, Burlington,VT 05402-0782. Integrity/Central Vermont Ministry of the Episcopal Church to gays and lesbians and friends. For info. Call Laurie Labarthe at (802) 223-8962. MCC in the Mountains Inclusive church with special ministry to the lesbian. gay, and bisexual community. Worship services Sunday at 1 pm Christ Church, Dartmouth College, Chapel, Level 3. Write to MCC in the Mountains, PO Box 53, Hanover, NH 03755. or call (802) 298-5451. Vermont Gay Men’s Spiritual Support Brotherhood Discover, explore, and create a loving men’s mythic mysteries of the green man and our personal spiritual journey through sacred space-time with sacred images. We meet at 6:00-9:30 pm on the third Friday of each month. Call Ernie at (802) 863-9684. TRAVEL High Meadow B & B An intimate 3 room B & B in the National forest area. Goshen VT. Warm hosts. Superb food! Call 802 247-3820. Twin Gables Guesthouse Reasonable rates and friendly hosts. A small B&B in Hartland/4 Comers, VT. (802)436-3070. WANTED Were you Lesbian, Gay or Bi 25 years ago? Did you know about Stonewall‘? Did it affect you‘? When did the Gay Right movement come into your life, if ever? What was lesbian/gay life like in Vermont in the past‘? Looking for people who were out (to themselves at least) in the 40’s, 50’s , 60‘s and 70’s for a video project to tie in with Stonewall 25. Especially interested in Vermont stories. Discretion assured. Contact Oak c/0 GLB Pride, Box 1752, Burlington, VT 05402 or call (802) 862-9015. (9999) Giita Clark, M.A. Sliding Fee Scale 32 N. Champlain St. Burlington VT. 05401 802/864 ' 7198 ° FAX 802/658 ' 1556 Partners in Growth & Recovery, Inc. Family Therapists Erica Marks, M.A., S.A.C., A.C.H. Sherry Hunt, M.A., A.C.H. State Certified Addictions Specialist on Staff 182 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401 0 865-2403 9 ‘dlspl th Ru 4‘ , ayed inV—Rutlaf1dAat the Ctiafféei Art Galleryland-_ . M 'land..Fr_ee.: Librarj/;v'October 30 -fiNa/ember 27th,.‘ ‘ 10:00?°am'- 7:00 p_m~on Monday ~f Wednesday, 10:00 am - ' ,,on..Thiirs’fc1ay‘_,§.-_ Sunday. 3"; To request-: existing :,:§'7t>?i!1§’=1S;3-;.?"<"=iSl< 3.5901. .¢t¢atiIl8“-"Da5n61S{ 5fi3vo1unteei§. i0 help _' insta1l1_orbe a guide’ _ rthjé fQ"iilt,',cal‘l Karen Ostrom at the ChaffesfA£t'Gai1,ery', ’(8_()2) 775-0356.3 " . Montpelier 229-5220 22 JOSIE JUHASZ. M./\. Lic. Psychologist - Master LYNN GOYETTE, N1._».. MA Lic. Clinical Mental Health Counselor sliding fee scale COUNSELING CENTER or NORTHERN VERMONT llurlinurt ll 860-6360 insurance accepted #2