Out in the Mountains Essex Woman RunsforJudge Susan L. Fowler of Essex Junction is seeking the Democratic nomination for Chittenden County Probate Judge. Fowler, 41, graduated from Boston University in 1975 and received her law degree from Vermont Law School. She has served as law clerk for the Ver- mont District Court Judges, and as Deputy State’s Attorney for three and one—half years. She has been in private practice since 1984, with emphasis on adoption and family law. Fowler is the only Vermont attorney who is a mem- ber of the American Academy of Adop- tion Attorneys. She has served on the Vermont Adoption Reform Task Force for two years. Please request the Democratic ballot in the primary on September 13, 1994, and vote for change. Paid Political Advertisement SWIMMING WITH THE TIDE: Vermonter Kathy Lehman goes to the Gay Games and brings home the bronze Carrie Coy RICHMOND -- Gay Games medalist Kathy Lehman has some advice for athletes contemplating a trip to the 1998 Games in Amsterdam - think twice before bringing three children along. The crowded waters of the 50—meter freestyle proved less challenging than the streets of New York City for the 40-year old bronze medalist and her entourage. "It was exhausting just getting around," said the Richmond resident. She spent the week of the Games in a tiny hotel room with her two children, Ryan, 9, Kelsey, 5, her partner, Anne Condon, and a 2-year old friend. Lehman and Condon missed the opening ceremonies and spent the evenings "slumped against the wall watching the kids jump on the bed”. Even so, Lehman overcame the heat and stroller hassles to triumph in the popular 50-meter freestyle swim while fans in the stands took up her children's chant, "Go Mom!" Though she narrowly missed her goal of breaking 35 seconds, a personal best, her effort was good enough for a third place age—group finish. Her medal bid was aided, perhaps, by a timely May birthday. "It certainly made turning 40 easier," she admitted. She also competed in the lO0—meter individual medley. She thinks she finished fourth, but was so tired, she did not note her time as she left the pool. Unfortunately, she was not able to float another round of $25 per head admissions, so her family was not there. Lehman, a child care professional who logs 50-hour weeks caring for children in her home, trained since last summer for two hours a day, three times a week, "come hell or high water." Training, she said, "is a gift I give myself, a way to keep from going crazy, though I try not to do it compulsively." Her regimen consists of differing combinations of a 4-mile run, a hilly 12-mile bike ride, a mile swim, and weight—lifting. Whenever schedules permit, she and Condon train together but, more often than not, they try to match each other's solo efforts. "We're pretty competitive with each other," Lehman said of their swimming duals. "It's a pretty intense mile." Their newly—built home, which she designed, sits atop one of the highest and most scenic hills in the area. After a 12-mile ride, "it's pushing the bike up the driveway that kills us," Lehman laughed. A pool upstairs was a design requirement for the McGill University physical education graduate, who has coached a variety of swim clubs over the years, including the UVM diving team. Friends frequently drop in to use it, and Lehman offers over-subscribed swim lessons to Richmond area children. Unexpectedly, said Lehman, the Games were "a wonderful way" to come out to extended family. In March, she began talking evasively to them about a "big swim meet in June in New York City", and in the end, her family, having deduced the truth, gathered to watch for a glimpse of her on C—SPAN. "It was an easy way for them to find out,” Lehman continued. “It made it easy to be open.” V Maury Kost Financial Planner FRIENDS AND PARTNERS: BUYING PROPERTY TOGETHER Pamela Kraynak Blackwood and Kraynak September 20 & 27, 1994 Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 PM For information or to register, call UVM Church Street Center at 656-5800 Member: $19.00 Non-member: $22.00 Attorney RR1, Box 2562, ‘T Huntington, VT 05462 ' (802)434«5262 I Woodweaver Construction Residential Remodeling General Carpentry Fully Insured - Free Estimates . Melinda Scott Natalie Grant 12