September 1994 AND THANK: 10 Au of )0!) FOR COMING OUTTDQJFFORT oust LOCAL Amoozs, Moi-wrote Tm: rum EVEVTIN Ilukes In lllatch But for By Alison Bechdel OPINIONS IN THE MOUNTAINS Ll SWKARONDFPR Rgmmmam.’ ANDCME Readers are encouraged to voice their I -' opinions by responding to the question ©1994 zsy Anson BECHDEL THAUK you, 3'iLu;N, FOKTMAT FA$c».lAnMcr, UH. 1izAM5SE>u!AL VEKSIOU or -ms OEDIPUI LEGEHD, "oEDm«u. coMPLEx T HANK)’ /use To /MKO TAKAGI Nb DEIIZDRE TRM1P1EcE Folk sswzwc ‘niait wax um-i U5 TONIGHT, AND To cut Ast N\"ERPR£TER , To PALMER . _ posed in this monthly feature. Please send responses to OITM at P.O. Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402, or via the Internet at This month’s question concerns the issue of domestic partnership and same-sex marriage. Vermont just became the first UH _ state to offer domestic partnership \rlEllyFIKSTOFAl4,HE5NOTA b f 1 nsi\aN,:}s1E'SALE5B(3rJ. [MEA>J,. ene its to state emp oyees (see story E ALESBIA .Aui>$EtouD. ' ' ' " I HM1_Hu$EmST°B£m_ this issue). . The courts in Hawaii are cwswe,Am> NoT$oM£PKivA1E still bouncin around the idea of . . I - _ ‘ ' - cws rmw mam wquss g _ Tm SW0“ Emflpomry? same sex marriage. In a recent issue ‘of an ...-_\___p . ‘ Out, a 15 year old gay male, while ' discussing the need to address gay youth issues, was quoted as saying, “People don’t kill themselves over domestic partnership”. HUH.’ 7w ruufib IT arr! veky lMrRE$5nIE. EXCUSE me. i: luv Mean To NICE wakxmo. ArJl>L0O(AT No one i.buu> EVER SAY I was REALLY 5HocxED NLTHBE PEOPLE! I BEHEK SUSPECT mu HERE A suy TH/r1 you LET-_‘\ MAN READ GET LPTD THE RE£I:rER. Psxsonl, THE my ybo » HER: TDNlGH1': mu HAVE - ACCESSTDTHE M-lOt£ WORLD. um SHMDNE siwzizotk How important is domestic partnership MUSE“, MO. I," Mm “Mm M Sommmuun M legislation and should our community be r suwoxe wuruwor "i.zsam1:" wwa user WITH MEN ARE PYKEY ._‘ Eonul M"rHETE»IPERc£wr11uauNE. rum, FRDMTHEOUEER vzaw fighting for legally recognized same—sex SOOETXNHENYDU GFTACHANCE, .nan.'a 6‘) LISTEN. wsvzs Loauocrouwewmr LET’: TAu’,THAr1K)’ Fol |nJ(LUDl»JCv mam‘; wokx mien. I ‘n Godu/l TELL My FRIEND BIFF To SEND >wSo4-«E oFHiiPo91:. us"; SEEM wrum/c. GREAT ' STUFFABOUTHIS FEMALE -119- IMLE ‘|'MN51TIovlInl(y. uH...»loTA1ALL. DEIRPRE. xv was GKEM. I DovJ'T Mo, THI5 WAS warlock- Fu. THANK; A LOT Fox mxmo I1 HAPPEN. I NEVER BEAU IN PUBLIC bEFoRE. cow >bu Tizu. now uazvws 1' mi?! _so, I KNOW )’ou'RE Pkosasw may HERE You so. cuzcx our THE5£ KECIPE)‘ Full /K91. E66. MIDDNI«)'- FREE Hots Voeovkej. THE P1ci:LED‘lbFu cM£E$E I)’ Hi PM- David W. Curtis MICHAEL GIGANTE, PH.D. ATTORNEY AT LAW Psychosynthesis Counseling & Therapy HOFF, CURTIS, PACHT, CASSIDY & FRAME, P.C. 100 Main Street P.O. Box 247 (802) 254 -8032 15 Myrtle St., Brattleboro, VT 0530] Burlington’ VT o54o2_o247 802_864_4531 04/94 ll