Out in the Mountains A Progressive & Responsive Step Fonivard Continued from page 1 do not qualify as dependent(s) of the employee, under Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code, the cost of providing coverage for them will be considered taxable income to the employee and subject to tax withholding,” as stated on the benefits application form. Vermont has once again taken the national lead in recognizing what defines a family in the socially aware ‘90s. ‘This really shows that the work we started doing to ensure that all Vermonters have access to truly equal rights is working,” said Keith Goslant, the governor's liaison to the gay and lesbian community. ‘Tm not getting more under the law (than anyone else)”, he added. While only providing coverage for employees of the state of Vermont and their domestic partners, it can still be considered “a progressive, responsive step forward to universal coverage for everyone,” said union director Thomas Whitney. New York is poised to become the second state to offer benefits to domestic partners of gay and lesbian state employees under a plan announced by Gov. Mario Cuomo in June. Some information courtesy of the Burlington F ree-Press, The Washington Blade and the Associated Press. V Give a eubecription to Out In The Mountaine as a gift! ‘re OH ,ER...HI. GNGER. RIGHT? Tms IS MY LOVER, FRISCILLA. Vr' MIUKFRESWVN you smvep AWAY _ FRoM THE SEAFOOD. 947 35th 51... Lois?! ovuco R)K)0lJFdl‘/EARS! 173 M5, MELISSA, Rea-wnr! REAEMBER? Imssecxerflzy arms C/was owrszor >umMuu V Picxeu A iwmcuwt CORMEK. -9"frER srewoiuamc my APART IN arose 7DA£HI£VE A WIDE? $Anr_uur, or MEN YORK cm’: Dizzymt. GLUT of Queen CILTURAL AND nrnienc EVENTI, omsek, Lois. SPARROW masons we, U!/t...0RDEREp noon CE Toeameiz I ,-.;‘». .L=.s.::-..:§:.« . _-..~;_ 13% ll: ha L; I73 9-JHERE ARE 1HosE onus? ’."<"’/”' MARCH I5 swznna! DEAR. I LEFT THE ORDER YEARS AGO. ARE YOUSTILL DM.Ih.G rJAKED LADIE5 IN youz owecmsm ? -:3 D.’ IVE BEENLOIXHJG 95x-La/Ens, Gmcxs, 4-COLIEGEAI-UWIAE, 2 GIRL Scour mnovtauaexs, 2. necowazms mwvnm; suvoues, 3 cmu.y Dlsossblbtf czwmcs. 2 mos: causaanm-:5, 4>i>eum/~£ won Game, imuzo-ow: cuss- MATE MD 87 CASUAL ATTORNEYS AT LAW MIDDLEBURY, VERMONT 05753 BURLINGTON OFFICE: 275 COLLEGE STREET BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402 802-864-0217 ‘SUSAN M. MURRAY LANGROCK SPERRY & WooL 15 SOUTH PLEASANT STREET AREA CODE: 802 TELEPHONE: 358-6356 HOME PHONE: 577-3165 FAX 49: 3B&6l49 £7 7- .'g 1- GREAT !51iu,No new or ‘now MID -ms MRO! is OVER. "nits IS me I-I6T‘fl/4E I MAKE PLMS umlTHOsE_ so mean’: Tms'6iRLr2|9ID" vbu wt;-RE _ruFFI:m=.i> ‘re Mm? nrxau DvN'rwAur -ru (oM£TD mi: Dance mm , ‘T A ..¢'I xi»; - .339’ ,.{.§\I‘v.-~=:=* ~ “we .» as , o WOMEN st CHOICE GYNECOLOGIC ASSOCIATES 23 Mansfield Avenue, Burlington, Vermont 05401 802-863-9001 Fax: 802-863-4951 Cheryl A. Gibson M.D. Susan F. Smith M.D.