JAMES M.JEFFORDS -VERMONT ‘ianitzd ,%tatzs ,%znatz VVASH|NGTON,DC 20510-4503 June 23, 1994 September 1994 counrrrusz FOREIGN RELATIONS um-one suacouumu ou AFHCAN unun: LABOR AND HUMAN RESOURCES RANKING SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCAYPON. ART‘ AND HUMANITIES VETERANS’ AFFAIRS SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING Knowing of your interest in issues affecting the gay and lesbian comunity, original cosponsor of S. Act of 1994 (ENDA), which was introduced earlier today. I wanted to let you know that I have become an 2238, the Employment Non—Discrimination As you know, federal law already prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, national origin, age and disability. orientation as well. The ENDA would extend this protection to sexual Like all other Americans, gays and lesbians deserve to be judged at work on the basis of their ability to do the job. The principles of equality and opportunity should apply to all Americans without regard to their sexual orientation. The ENDA is an important step in closing the gap between such principles and the reality faced by gays and lesbians in their daily lives. Twenty—five years after Stonewall, this gap is still too wide. Many state and local governments have taken the lead in prohibiting job discrimination on the basis of sexual More than 100 mayors and governors across the land orientation. have signed laws and issued orders protecting gay and lesbian employees. In 1992, Vermont joined six other states plus the District of Columbia in enacting its own sexual orientation discrimination law. provide such protection as well. Thanks for your interest and attention. Sinc ely, Jame . J ds JMJ:rej PLEASE REPLY 70 D nunumcvon omci. D JIUTLAND omcz: Sum 100 95 S1. PAUL SYIEET BunLmG1oN,VT 05401 (802) 658-6001 D wxsnmcron omcz. Lmouowl Buuomc. 2m} Fmon 2 Soum Mun SYIEU Ru1LA~o,V'Y 05701’ (802) 773—3B75 513 HAIY Buuwmc WAs>1m<;1o~, DC 20510-4503 (202) 224-5I4 I TOLL I’-nu: I-800-835-5500 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Now it's time for the federal government to Please keep in touch. [J uonrrmsn mnct. 58 Sun Stun Mouvrnlu, VT 05601 (802) 223-5273 TDD/TW. I—800—8;S5-5500