. . .THEN SHE FL£»JaA0<1'o Fkuco AND TOLDWE NOT To BDTHER CALLING UNTIL __.-; I/Mo VISIT5 ouk HARRIS P HOUSEMATES ON THE EVE OF THEIR IOURNEV -ro THE C-Av GAME; AND STONEWALL. 2 . .45‘. CHOH o»KE A DAY AFTEK ‘ ‘ YHE EVENING WALK. » ..._ ;v._u;- ' 1.‘ We wAsH£R‘s ALLYMRS. emcsaz. M0.(onE ur- ;_ s-mm; AND new Me /44 Evgszy CDMPETING Coun- . J my mm: ewes? , OH. SHE'S fonmtv! SHE'S colsmue Bow BuIL— DEBS. C‘1cuI1r, AND IN-HNE SKATERS. SHE MA; A NHOA .' I D|Drl'T ,_ mow >b0Tuo war: IUME. YOUMAKEA ‘ $URPRlSIHG|-7 H07 SHOVE IT UP YBUK ‘Mn sues BASKALI-1 UN- THE GLoaE,' WDRTHY oFI‘r. ,, - on -.. , 3 CHASSMAN & BEM 2.12. BO 31'oUR CAR so I1 ? 50 OUT OF TOIXH W|fH HER TRUE FE£LIIlGS. MRYBE VIE E 'mMoIu:ow. rr's Munro 5:: somcoue y 0H.I'n uxzmr. I213 ALL EAT LOT! 1‘ Walter I. Zeichner, MA, NCC, V and.bisexuals.- .We...—wi|l’ "not pubfsh -anyismatefmgl ' July/August 1994 ‘consider for ulblieatl ny ma_.teriIé1"whi1ch roa.d¢ ' _ .2- 'unde.tétanding—»0f our lifesty s and‘ . 9f e5_¢_h ‘Oth¢r- 'Yie*Y$"*ifii1‘i5i>ihi0nS ‘f‘appe'arin'g "in the paper‘ do not. nec- ess_arily‘- represent those of 0 the ‘ vsta_ff.: 3 This -paper cannot and will A ;. not''endo_rse any candidates.and a‘e-- V ~ ‘tions; of public officials on issues of . importance A to lesbians,- gay; men, s wine; goveitiy V: racist, antis- agent, clzmist, or hornophobic_, . fl Ina terials .submitted: must be signed s‘o_fwe can Contact thespian-0 .“fthor[.j_shouldEwe need to consider r'al reyisions. Howeyer; with- . .. .298 .0.fv.t.11€’% .neWSP3P¢l'3{aF' V. ‘.:.:fi¢1§g...,'mayvV appear; anon_y1nously,. ._ :.:’juP9Ii — reiltiést; E : and avstrict. .¢91.1+ .. fidéntiality; Willflie’ observed. .,.ef1c__ofiInj ..and .eIi§ou,rag¢«;‘:iafl1 . ; s on A d your corn} _i;_in ct-iticisms,‘and positive feel-.- 'sV—éing’sifwith This paperis here for i V you, The deadline for submitting “ material for each ‘issue the lst of v ‘ the month prior to puvblicatiogn.‘ 3 ‘ Materials should be sent to: p K Out in’the»Mo'ur"z'tains ‘ ‘ ._PQ’Box_.1;77.'.- . _ . Bii1‘1i1I’gtéim.‘.’T.05402} r e 2 Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Psychotherapy ~ Individual ~ Group ~ Couples BodyWork~ Massage Therapy ~ Energywork Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Positive ~ Gender Issues Educational Consulting ~ Workshops & Trainings Wellness Consultation 269 Pearl St., Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 863-0413