Out in the Mountains Manchester, NH Club Burned on Pride Weekend John S Greene Jr On Sunday morning at approximately 4:30 a.m. the Manchester Civic Club (a.k.a. The FrontRunner) was extensive- ly damaged by a fire. The Manchester Fire Department has (as of press .time) yet to comment on the nature of the fire. It appears to have started on a basement wall facing an alley in the rear of the building, and appears to have spread up the back of the building, destroying the rear of the second floor and most of the roof. The rest of the building suffered some damage from smoke and water, but the Manchester Fire Department did a good job of containing the fire. There were no reported injuries, although the adjacent residential buildings were evacuated as a precaution. The Front- Runner Club was one of two dance clubs in New Hampshire (The other is Mem- bers, a members only private club in Portsmouth.) and one of the three gay bars in Manchester. It is also, like Mem- bers, a members only club (a way of ex- isiting in the otherwise restrictive at- mosphere of conservative N.H.). It had been at its current location for 5 years, and has been in existence for almost 14 years as a gay owned and operated es- tablishment. The founder, George Mi- toulas, is also the founder of the New Hampshire Aids Foundation and is quite active in local politics. V Give a eubecription to Out In The Mountains a5 a gift! (802)878-5600 BUS.. 875-0096 FAX (800) 438-5609 BUSINESS (802) 862-1375 RESIDENCE AfiI2RNfl£S£NI$FNN$MLNEfWOflK By Alison Bechdel _ AND wuAr'5 ' mg MA‘Fr&R mm Puauc OFFKE. HARRIET? ilukes in lliaich flui For ' isn't my BABEHNG ‘ Ei(PR£S)'l\lE? IT'S l||<‘E HE‘; ACTU/\ll)’ SAVING ' our. HE Mien-r ear ELECTED ‘m , ‘v:-:~:—:_:;g., ¢ unto“ Ggmr I M057’ »:-;-.:»:~'- mvuzsn wmou ' - . ~ TAYu)ruou AMDTHE cify COUNCIL, £L.L£N. I'M GINGER , HILL mu Sror CHMJGIMG me SUIIEU? MY FLl6HT'S LEAVINC Sam mot WANT1D KNOW‘. ARE >90 Conwa- TEP ‘Y0 ‘Wis R£JATIoN- SHIP 02 1' ? ‘.. . ./MEAN»/Hue. MAuKA'5 VISIT nuwsm A CLo5E. . . Hear; A News &A5u."A Rsceur sway SHo\~J)AFIu(Ak/ AMEKKAN GAYMFN AND women iwe sumaurww HIGHER la/ELS uFcHRomc S-mes; THMJ H£T£R05£xuAL -9 BLACKS AND wmres. AND LESBIAN Afniaw AMERICM/5 Do You wmme HNOR OF REIORDING rm uunsx ‘my’: rum warm," on L'LlV£ mserusil’? reez, EAB£...)bU|<:iow How IMPOR- TANT My vIoh< I511: AE RIGH1 Now. Ila -ramuy wwwso or IN MY i>isrterA11ou.' couwr u: -r/ax ABOUTTM5 LATER? THATS Fur DAM M), I cm Movrm SAN 5uRr:. mu mwilo mun I'M Txvwc m SAY IS, r LOVE )buA-IDI wwr Daefr reruns $ME,I'vE 601T/\ R£1HmKM7flANS- :-n-':__; Marianne Marsh, M.D. COLDIUGLL BANKGR E! JACQUELINE L. MARINO An... ”“”°“’ Psychiatry 177 Battery Street NKER Burlington Vermont 05401 22 MAIN ST. ESSEX JUNCTION. VT 05452 ndently Owned and Operated Mamba! oi Coidwaii Banker Residential Aiiiliuies. inc. Mansfield Psychotherapy Associates 802-865-3230