Out in the Mountains Jan Backus -- (not pictured) Vermont Senator from Windham County and candidate for U.S. Senate “I’ve been a real strong supporter of gay rights and all civil rights...I would sign on to (a federal gay rights bill)...The gay community is politically active and energetic...I want the gay community’s support of me.” “I think it’s exactly what you called it- it’s Gay Pride. It’s like, ‘The hell with you shouting at me and calling me names. I can use this park. ‘I can march on those streets’...I really respect the fact that you’re the ones who are really sending the message because you do go out 3». Q‘/brjiii ‘ ‘ ' and you march... Shellie Faraday -- Pride Day volunteer I respect that, I really do.” “Come Alive! Volunteer! Join the crowd, join the excitement, be proud of what you are and who you are! !” Doug Racine -- (not pictured) Fofmel‘ VBITIIODI Senator and candidate for Lieutenant Governor “I would need to hear from people in the gay and lesbian community about what they feel the next step is. I can’t say myself what it should be. All I can say is if people can identify to me what the next issue would be then I would feel that I could be supportive of that as I was in the past... “We need to deal with discrimination issues, violence, and health issues, but I guess I just see the gay and lesbian community as being part of the broader community. Let’s try to find ways to educate people who don’t feel that way. Let’s try to find ways to integrate the gay and lesbian community...The goal is to have one community where nobody’s feeling discriminated against.” Bernie Sanders -- (above) U.S. Representative from Vermont “In my view, the most important issue facing this country whether you’re gay or whether you’re straight is whether you’re gonna have a job that pays a decent wage. And I would hope that we can build a broad movement which guarantees human rights for all people. Anti-sexism, anti-homophobia, anti-racism...There’s nothing magic about being gay, you’re gonna have to go out and get a job...In terms of gay rights, the basic issue is - are all people in our state, in our country, entitled to basic human rights? To be treated based on their character and not on their sexual orientation? And the answer is, unequivocally, ‘Yes’.” “I am not interested, to be frank, that somebody is gay or not...You have to look at the issues...In tenns of job creation, in terms of the environment, in terms of human rights, in terms of - do you want to continue spending 260 billion dollars on the military, or do you think we should rebuild America and provide jobs?...Most of the issues, in fact, are gay issues - they are American issues.”