fundamentalist minister gave on the topic of children needing to be punished, complete with citations such as the well known "spare the rod and spoil the child." Dozens of parents whose children attended that school were active members in that church. Many of those children often came to school physically bruised from the beatings they endured. Fat too many gay persons have assumed a "live and let live" attitude while dozens of Vermont Christian right ministers are unleashing the same facist-like rhetoric heard prior to World War H. We cannot afford to deny the power of that rhetoric as, unfortunately Jews and gay persons did over fifty years ago. Mel White's book should become a best seller among the Vermont gay population. We may have won some hard legislative battles, but the war is still being waged with heavy verbal artillery while a majority of us deny its very existence. V ”i ARANOFF ATTCDRIWEYS A1‘ LAVV UPSON SERVING THE NEEDS OF THE LESBIAN AND GAY COMMUNITY 7 Susan L. Aranoff Lisa A. Upson 28 MAIN STREET, MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05602 802.223.1418 100 Acres 0 Pool Hot Tub 0 Trails ‘(fie ‘Hi Iand,5 ‘Inn P.O. Box ll8 Bethlehem, NH 03374 (603) 869-3978 A LESBIAN PARADISE 20 Charming Rooms Peace & Privacy P‘ Woodweaver Construction Residential Remodeling General Carpentry Fully Insured - Free Estimates Melinda Scott Natalie Grant RR1, Box 2562, ‘“ Huntington, VT 05462 ' (802)434-5262 June 1994 Continued from page 1 Previously, he had been laid off because his employers said there was not enough work for him, after enduring weeks of harassment by co—workers. An interesting and a final note——Senator Eleanor Podles asked to be escorted home by State Police Thursday evening, after killing House Bill #1432, saying she was scared and felt threatened by a series of phone calls from a voter in Hooksett who wanted the bill passed. V Thanks to the Concord Monitor which provided details on this story. EQUINOX ANTIQUES MARK RICHARD REINFURT Quality Antiq ues & Decorative Accessories of the 18th & 1 9th centuries Gallery Residence Historic Route 7A. Noahdiah Granger Dake House P.O. Box 956 - PO. Box 811. South Street Castleton. Vermont 05735 Beside college science building By appointment only 802-362-3540 Manchester Village. VT 05254 Just a step from The Equinox Hotel Hours: (10-5) Mon.-Sat. 802-362-3540 STONEWALL p I u N E 2 6 1994 O n June 26th, 1994, the lnternational i\larch on the Unitecl Nations to Affimi the Human Rights oi Lesbian and Gay People will talze place in N ew.Yorl2 City. it promises to be one of the largest lruman rights marches in history. P Come celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. Make your plans N OW!" You can help malae Stonewall 25 ‘a success! :5.“ I l WANT TO BE A l’l'lRT OF HISTORY 1‘ l want In \'0l|HIlA'I!r. Please ailrl my namv lu Vi-nur m.ulin.t li.-l :, I want in lmsi 4 ilimm party in lvi-nulil S|In|L'\\' " I mi 2.. §|IlIll'il)Hls‘ ism.-i.tll_\v. Ii... _"S5(lil ”.$2Sil ‘ Slim -‘mr.1.r ...~.\i . Make checlzs payalwle to: STONEW1\l.l. 25. Semi lo: 203 \\é,~i l3lh Sin-cl. .\'\'W York, Ni’ IOU] 1. Fm more inlormalion call: 212--l-3‘)-lll3l. -lb i)l‘(l|!f S.l.()NE‘\”l\|.|_ 25 collccli\l)lt- anil we.1r.\l~li' mcrclianilisc call: 500-l5~l’ROUl). For travel or atruxnmlaliunsz Sill)-210-l38ll. ' C.-mnlauiiim.< m lax-tlI.'LlL|\'lllIlL' lu llli: lu|l.~.—~i .-mm ul the l.N‘.