Out in the Mountains Editorial The Vermont Teddy Bear Company is following in the steps of the Florida Citrus Commission. You remember them — they sponsored Anita Bryant when she was running her Save Our Schools campaign which was supposed to keep homosexuals out of the schools and away from kids. Most recently the Florida Citrus Commission signed on as sponsors of Rush Limbaugh’s radio program, resulting in calls by NOW and others for a boycott of citrus products from Florida. Even President Clinton supported that one — reportedly stopping in mid—sip one "morning when told of the sponsorship. Now it’s Vermont Teddy Bear’s turn to join those who help keep the racist, sexist, and homophobic comments of Limbaugh on the air. A report in the May 6th Burlington Free Press describes to decision to advertise on Limbaugh’s program just in time for Mother’s Day. In a press release about the sponsorship the company responded, “The Vermont Teddy Bear Company bears transcend all politics, age, and gender boundaries.” Board Chair Fred Marks said “company founder John Sortino’s perspective is that teddy bears are apolitical and conservatives and liberals are all entitled to the comforting warmth of a teddy bear.” The statement went on, “We’re in a business and we need to reach our audience, but we are also strong proponents of free speech and free press.” Well, I certainly agree about the need for free speech and free press — some of the most important gay civil rights battles have been won on the basis of the first amendment guarantees. However, there is a clear line between allowing people like Limbaugh the freedom to purchase time to spout their vitriolic rhetoric and paying him to do so. The Vermont Teddy Bear Company has crossed that line. Trying to hide behind quotes about the freedom of the press does not hide the issue. The Vermont Teddy Bear Company helps Rush Limbaugh attack us, our lives and our families (as well as the lives and families of millions of other Americans gay and straight). Show Vermont Teddy Bear you know what they are doing. Boycott their products. Write John Sortino and Fred Marks. Let others know. Do not let them get away with this. Deborah Laehmam V “Ask me how to save on car insurance?’ lfyou bringycur home and car insurance to Allstate,you could receive attractive savings on yourllllstate car insurance policyjust give me a call about the Allstate Multi-Line Discount. lt could really give you :1 lift. A l I Youhingoodhnnds Call Ellen Hetherington - 863-3808 ._ -.. ; Vennont _ V A ' A newspaper maintains ‘offices at.109 _ Avenue‘ ..,in -Fred Pan _ Warm t : .!5lii=lv‘=iel is ipublislgfed 3 _, — mommy. except’. for "‘a combined JulyIAI.ig‘u$t« —. by-_ our ,in_3thfe -’Mo‘untains', ,'ln¢.-, ‘ ta” ’inon»;'>__rofit .coir’p.o.ration-»’. ~The l§uili_n9’tOIiLvfburflinailirigjiagidg-ess1;‘Is' ' te.mstagé:fwthe'ma rigfot the‘inéwspaper_is p;m‘_1.‘iri iaqnsqgton.‘ ’ Thesubscription ra'té'isf$20 -’ v. ‘i . I96 a:"(8o2) Aa6’.4_7’1p9'e.-_ -A y:e andl-etters We :;encourage‘ "and . implore } ‘ours ’ readeI'_sfito‘ dogjwhat ftlfiey icali“ to I maké OITM a. paper. h9th“:‘forsan_.d by 1ga'y,»; f3 lesbian, ._~ja'nd bisexual] =JVer- , monters. Plejase assistvtvus by Ityplng your articles -and -letters double- . ,_s‘paced ‘ and H including _.your, name ‘7 and P|19l1ehU‘.ii1her’ in casefiwiéihjaive . ariyzr questions. ‘”Your* submission ‘ Shbuld be. received:-.bv OITM n°;l@t~. 3’ er, than the 11s‘t..7of== the Aprevlousfi month.aThank you forhelping out! :Ho_w,tq,Advertise, _ ..IfJ V9.0 $~I¢_i;'|d ‘like 31.0 riin ‘an. "ad in '0I‘lflM, ple_ase'.co,ntact;;,us ;torJrates, _ 7infoI?rnati6n._’i Ad copy must be’received‘by the 15! of the month: to -be included "in the. next 'Vnjaontl1_A‘s issuégcopy can be’. mailed , " to‘: OlTM,“P..vO.“ Box ‘1 77, ‘Burlington, yVT_“” 05402,. or call‘ Ellen at (802) 850-1922 vstevenwest at (802) 864- ._6399_;or Bruceat BMH graphic ‘de. A ryaar