Out in the Mountains New Speakers Bureau to Address Gay Issues Members of the Brattleboro community have formed a new speakers bureau to address gay issues, called Face to Face of Southern Vermont. The members of Face to Face are gay men, lesbians, bisexual men and women, and heterosexual allies who speak on a volunteer basis about their own lives and experiences. We believe that this personal approach can be an effective way to dispel homophobic myths and stereotypes. Face to Face will provide a panel of three to four members to speak to any group that requests our services. We charge a sliding scale fee to help us cover our expenses; however, no one will be turned away due to inability to pay. Some examples of groups that may Patronize our I Advertisers Ticket order line: l-8()l)-'l‘lll§-TICK; Information line: 413-582-3969. wish to request our services include: high school and college classes, church and civic groups, counselor/teacher associations, medical and mental health professionals, human service agencies, talk shows and reporters. Face to Face of Southern Vermont is modeled after a speakers bureau in Amherst, MA also called Face to Face. However, the two groups differ in that the Vermont group has decided to include heterosexual allies. The first public event was a Dialogue Night for teens and adults at Brattleboro Teen Center, entitled “Straight and Gay Talking Together.” The evening began with a panel from Face to Face of Amherst, MA followed by small group discussion led by members of Brattleboro Union High School’s Diversity Group. In order for us to be successful in our work, we need support from you, our community. Thus far the four members of the Face to Face organizing committee have personally borne the toshi reago edwina lee tyler suede jaime morton queer grrrl bands: grin costs of getting the group started, however, we have a number of needs that are beyond our personal finances. A business phone line, for example, costs $520 per year plus installation. Printing brochures will cost about $500. Filing fees for incorporation and tax—exempt status come to $185. Plus we need funds for an answering machine, educational materials, postage, and so on, bringing our estimated first year budget to $2000. Eventually we hope that face to face will be self—supporting through income derived from speakers fees and grants. At present however, we urgently need your help. We would be extremely grateful for contributions of all sizes. If you can help, please write a check to Face to Face of Southern Vermont and send it to the address below. To become a member, arrange a speaking engagement, sign up for our mailing list, or make a donation, write to: Face to Face of Southern Vermont, PO Box 285, Brattleboro, VT 05302 or call (802) 257-2009. We look forward to hearing from you. V & elysian sex drive billy tipton memorial saxaphone quartet with the pat graney dance compan lesbian lounge lizards linée perroncel jackalyn robinson ruth pelham and many For more infonnution scnd S.A.S.li. to: WOW Productions, 160 Main Street, Northarnplon, Mas sachuscus 01060 16 JULY 22, 23, 24